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On February 11, 2021 at 11:06 AM PST we have a powerful New Moon in Aquarius. New Moons are always powerful starting points for setting goals, and new beginnings. But in the sign of Aquarius, the power is behind thinking outside the box, and not being afraid/ashamed of being different. This fixed Air Sign is bent on freedom, and will do whatever it takes to push forward to the light at the end of the tunnel. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the activator, that rattles our cages to help us find our way out.

This New Moon is extremely wonderful, as the Moon in Aquarius isn’t only accompanied by the Sun at 23 degrees. This New Moon has Mercury (communications) Retrograde at 16 degrees, Venus (values) and Jupiter (growth/expansion) conjoined at 12 degrees, and Saturn (the taskmaster) at 6 degrees. This “stellium” or grouping of planets and luminaries are transiting together to accentuate the message; MOVE FORWARD NOW! The beauty of this energy is it is very detached in a healthy way. It is grounded in hope and fulfilling wishes through group interaction. Not a time to go it alone, except for the time of contemplation and meditation, as that is when you will get your inspiration.

Part of this is Mars (action) at 18 degrees Taurus, and Uranus (the game changer) at 7 degrees Taurus; squaring this stellium. What does that mean? Squares bring challenges, or create issues that disclose where we need to find the middle ground in order to move forward. Everything is pointing to looking at this grouping of planets and luminaries as motivators to move on our highest goals. With these all being in fixed signs, stubbornness can get in the way of letting go. Look to where you are holding fast to the past, or things that no longer serve you. Aquarius is a very progressive sign and wants the best for all of humanity.

So, on this occasion, it is a perfect opportunity to write your list of goals, hopes, dreams and wishes. Don’t stop at one thing, allow yourself to fill the page with everything that your heart beckons you to reach for. Once you’ve finished your list, take time to set up your sacred space, and put your list in front of you. One by one read each one, and close your eyes and IMAGINE how that would look. How you would feel. What a difference it would make in your life. Spend as much time with each entry, giving it it’s full due of joy, peace and love.

Once you have completed your journey, take your list and burn it while watching the smoke trail up to the sky where it is received and prepared. Your goal is not to doubt what is for your highest good is on the way. Stay true to your dreams of a future you wish to be part of. Don’t look back, look forward. You will find you are freed from all that which limited you in the past if only you do the work to get there.

So remember always you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and it is up to each of us to make this experience the best it can be. Seek guidance from all those who surround you in Spirit, and listen to that small voice within. The stronger the voice is the easier your life will become. Trust me.

Judy Crescenzo

Our first Full Moon of 2021 happens at 11:17 AM PST, when the Moon and Sun oppose each other. The Moon is 9 degrees 6 minutes Leo and the Sun is 9 degrees 6 minutes Aquarius. Also stationed at 9 degrees Aquarius is Jupiter, conjoined with the Sun. Oh boy, here we go!

Leo is a Fire Sign, strong, regal, authoritarian. It rules the heart and can be very loving and generous energy. When the Moon is in this sign, especially a Full Moon, emotions run high. Feelings are passionate, dramatic and expressed with power. We can use this energy best creatively and show where we shine in our lives; Leo is ruled by the Sun. Otherwise, this energy can be frustrated, and make us touchy, bold and pushy. Leo rules the heart, and matters of the heart can be aired and mended with this Full Moon.

Opposite the Moon side by side is the Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius. This sign is an Air Sign of high humidity, meaning compassionate intellect. It rules humanitarian efforts, friendships and group goals. Leo and Aquarius are fixed signs, steadfast and dependable; leading us to see this opposing axis as a war of sorts. The war is between self interests and humanitarian ones. Now that Jupiter has transited into this sign, as of December 20th, 2020, there’s a new teacher available to us all. Our knowledge will be expanded, our goals will be elevated, and we will be more open minded as a result.

Also involved in this moment is Mars at 10 degrees Taurus and Uranus at 6 degrees Taurus. These planets square both the Sun and Jupiter, and the Moon. This creates what’s known as a “T-Square”; where opposing planets or luminaries form a square with a third planet, or planets here, forming a T. This fixed T-Square points to the answer lying with Mars and Uranus.

Mars is the planet of action, the warrior and individual. Uranus is the planet of change and activates change through disruption. These energies shake us out of our complacency and gives us the courage to take a stand and mean it. While in the sign of Taurus, we are concerned with values, priorities, and what we find important in our world. It is a very nurturing sign that represents the fertile ground we must prepare for our seeds to take root. We are faced with a new beginning we are creating for ourselves, and the more predisposed we are to stay alert and informed, the better off we are in our creation.

So I am suggesting on this day to meditate on and connect with your heart. I don’t mean that physically as much as it being your center. Your ability to love others begins with love of yourself. For a moment, see yourself as a child of proud parents; the Moon/Mother and the Sun/Father. Together they have created you with the loving spark that brought them together. You are their creation that is unconditionally loved, protected and inspired to grow and become a light unto yourself. To actualize your highest version was their goal in your creation, and it is up to you to carry on with that plan. They know you have been given the opportunity to evolve, and they are here to motivate you to take off your old, heavy garment, and step out of darkness into the light.

So as you see yourself in that light, imagine colors entering your vision that represent growth, strength and fertility. You are preparing the ground, the foundation for your life, to sprout and grow. Know that you are supported by Mars and Uranus to shed your fears and make the real changes in your life, your beliefs, and your well being.

Bask in the light of these luminaries while considering very deeply your connection to Spirit growing each day, as you are committed to improving not only yourself but the world you live in and the lives of others. It is my understanding that the more we are connected to our own inner guidance, the better our life becomes. We are never alone, and we are loved.

Be brave and carry on.

Judy Crescenzo

We have arrived! It is the first month of the year 2021, and with it is our first New Moon of the year. The Sun and Moon are conjoined at 23 degrees Capricorn 13 minutes on January 12th at 9 PM PST. This New Moon can inspire us all to rebuild a solid foundation for our lives. This Cardinal Earth sign cares most about security and strength, and seeks the most advantageous path to success in every endeavor.

This Earth sign rules the first month of Winter, where much of our work is done indoors. It’s comfortable operating from the inside out; strategically planning the best moves on the chessboard of life before taking them out to the world. All factors must be looked at, scrutinized, and committed to in order to prosper. This no nonsense Earth sign is looking for results, so there’s no better time than now to set the course for success.

At this moment, Pluto is transiting at 24 degrees Capricorn; one degree away from these luminaries. Pluto is the transformer of the zodiac, like the Phoenix that crashes, burns, and rises from the ashes. It represents re-creation, making something new out of the ashes of the past. In the sign of Capricorn it continues the work of transformation in our government, our institutions, our structure’s we have built our lives upon. But on a personal level, it lends us the power to make a fresh start. It compels us to act, so there’s no need to resist. The New Moon is traditionally the time to make new plans based on the results of prior choices made. With this one, we are supported to “let go” and transform what we used to believe into a more current appraisal of the possibilities.

There are other planetary influences happening here. Mars (2 degrees Taurus) and Uranus (6 degrees Taurus) are transiting together. Taurus is a FIXED Earth Sign, stubborn, determined, grounded and anchored. Mars rules war, conflict and how we use our energy, and Uranus rules sudden events that bring change. Hmmmmm....

Let us add to this Jupiter (5 degrees Aquarius) and Saturn (3 degrees Aquarius) creating a tight square to Mars and Uranus. Aquarius is a FIXED Air Sign, denoting intellect that is unique and original. Jupiter rules higher thought, foreign lands and travel, and Saturn is the planet of ​gravity ​that manifests spiritual qualities on the Earth plane.

So when planets square each other, especially when two planets square two other planets, they create pressure, agitation, nervousness. Considering the state of our world, these FIXED planetary influences are pushing our buttons to get a reaction. Where do we stand? On shaky ground, or a firm base? We are talking physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We are now reactivating our lives under new conditions, and we are surviving the dictates of our world. How can we learn to thrive

under these circumstances? By thinking outside the box, by asking for guidance and listening when we get it. We are the physical representation of our soul, and with that comes the commitment to survive under all situations. It comes naturally, all life looks to survive by adapting, compromising, learning and transforming. Go forward with excitement; to be part of this new existence. Treat it like the adventure of your lifetime! Be proud with each step you make in the right direction. Learn from every step that didn’t fulfill your goal to grow.

We have learned in this past year that we truly are all in this together. We are all human beings living through this grand experiment called life. The more we live in awe of our reality, the more we live in gratitude of what we do have in our existence, the better our adventure is. Consider the wisdom of the planets and luminaries, setting us all up for these current events. The masterful design of their inner workings and purpose. When we act from this place of KNOWING we are so powerful.

So, let us begin 2021 knowing we are rebuilding our lives, based on what we have learned. We are so blessed with these heavenly bodies encouraging us to transform and live in our new reality free of limiting fears. Take a chance, don’t be afraid.

Judy Crescenzo Visit my website at


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