Jennifer has a high-profile, global clientele with whom she heals in person at her office in Studio City or via Skype, FaceTime, and phone sessions.

Healing Session
$ 300
Each session is cultivated to your specific needs. Depending on what your body needs, some sessions focus on intuitive emotional healing, cellular blocks and hypnosis, while others might focus on physical toxins, emotional blocks, spiritual belief systems, or energetic blocks. In every session, we work together to focus on finding answers to your struggles by tuning in with your body. You will achieve wholeness if you commit your time to this process; you are dedicated to completing your homework, and honestly give the effort you need to transform yourself. This process will move as quickly as you choose to move. You get what you put into your sessions.
Epigenetics Testing/Nutrition Balancing
1 hr 30 min.
$ 385
A healthy nutritious diet helps your body maintain vital health to thrive. Everything you eat impacts how your body feels. Food has the ability to alter your confidence and inner power because your emotions are linked to how you physically feel: weak vs strong / depressed vs happy. Clean food allows your body to receive the vitamins and nutrients each cell needs to feel alive. When you are eating a diet that is not aligned with what your body needs, it feels heavy, tired and weighed down from an overworked digestive track, causing bloating and physical discomfort. Learn what your body is craving.

Becoming your own Healer
$ 650
Learn how to connect to your intuition and speak to your inner voice. We are all unique and have different ways of connecting to our intuition. The reason people stop trying to connect is when they become frustrated. They have read endless self-help books that sound great in theory, but are ultimately unable to implement the tools in their everyday lives. We are all different. We all connect to our “wise-self” differently. My job is to teach you to listen to your body’s “instructions and guidance” on how you’re wired. I will provide you with personalized tools to heal yourself, guide yourself, and understand your highest path moving forward. I am able to connect to your higher self, provide a personal guide to enhance and awaken you to your intuitive self. Learning how you are your own healer is rare. This is a special gift that allows you to be the ultimate creator in your life - the richest gift you can give to yourself.
Tools you will learn:
Effective journaling tools to dive deep into your own personal healing and connect with your intuitive inner voice.
How to meditate with SURRENDER, using colors, visualization, music, and your inner voice to guide you to your mental and physical healing.
How to create the most optimal nutritional food program to implement into your daily routine. By muscle testing, you’ll have the ability to ask your body what it needs. Learn what food or products in your daily life are toxic vs. non toxic and allow your body to heal through the newly gained consciousness.
The best essential oils + herbs and when/how to use them properly to promote healing on a cellular level.
The use of threading and muscle testing to “hear” the language of the energetic body. This enables us to uncover disruptions in our master “database,” causing pain, heartache, physical discomfort, and interrupting our vibrant health.