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When I look at this New Moon in Leo, I can’t help but notice the groups of planets and luminaries working together. There is a design here that I decided to look into. In astrology it’s all about the relationships the planets and luminaries have with each other in the placements they are stationed in. The new Moon by nature is “conjunct” the Sun and this one is 26 degrees Leo. Along with these luminaries is Mercury in Leo at 28 degrees. So they are on team Leo, working side by side with the dramatic fire energy.

Then we look at Mars in Aries, another fire sign, at 24 degrees. This “trine” made by Mars brings with it a self confidence and enthusiasm to team Leo. We feel everything more intensely and can set our intentions even higher for this New Moon in Leo. This fire inspires us to be more physical, whether it’s working or playing, to best channel the energy. It is an assertive potential that needs a good challenge.

Then, on team Capricorn is Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all in the same range of degrees. Capricorn is an Earth sign, bringing it down and grounding to the planet.This is the challenging team, as it “inconjuncts” team Leo. This relationship asks for adjustments to be made. A forbearance of principles and a renegotiation from the ground up. The most constructive use of this influence is intelligent planning and insight, proceeding cautiously, changing the world around you in a practical way, and avoiding danger and violence.

So as we set our intentions for this New Moon, we expand our awareness to not only this luminary, but periscope out to our whole solar system. We are growing, humanity is expanding under the conditions we have experienced. We are now able to have clarity where before we were so set in our patterns we didn't even know a time like this could exist! So with this new awareness, and the explanation above of the energies we are working with, we go to the heart of the matter, our ability to love without conditions.

Leo rules the heart and cardiovascular system in our bodies. This is the system most affected by this period, and provides us a direction. The heart is like the hub of the wheel with all of the cardiovascular system being the spokes of that wheel moving the body along in life. We can approach this New Moon with a great respect for our bodies, and especially our hearts. With this symbol is our ability to love and be loved.

On this day or night, give yourself permission to have some sacred time. Find yourself indoors or outdoors in your most sacred of places. You can create this or use these creative energies to imagine yourself there. Slow down your breathing and calm yourself. Close your eyes and imagine yourself at the base of a grand staircase. How do you appear there? Examine the stairs, the banister, the materials used to make this, the color of those materials, before you place your right foot on the first stair. Slowly and purposefully begin your ascent up the stairs, like a child awaiting the adventure to begin! As you climb higher and higher, you pass 3 doorways before you come to the 4th. This is the doorway to your heart or love center, and take a moment to examine this doorway. What color is it? What is it made out of; metal, wood, glass...? Does it open on the right, the left, or simply open itself? While paying attention to all of these details and taking mental notes, your spirit wants to open the doorway. In that moment invite those who love and protect you, the invisible ones, to join you as you enter this space.

As you enter, see who has joined you and send them heartfelt gratitude. Now explore this space......where are you? What do you see? Look in all 4 directions around you and survey your surroundings. Is it a lush environment, or is it barren? Examine everything you see and ask your guides to elaborate on these with you; ask questions and accept the answers you are given. Once you feel you have observed all that is shown to you, embrace those who have assisted you on your journey, and thank them for their help. Now find the doorway you came in through and prepare to exit this doorway. How do you appear now? You will see the staircase that will lead you down to your place of origin. When you arrive there and you are ready, come back into your body and write down what you observed.

Now let’s consider the information that was shared with you. How you appeared before and after your journey tells you if you’ve been changed, and how you’ve been changed by this vision. The materials and state of the stairway are representative of the means in which you travel to these states of awareness. Strong or weak. The doorway and how it opened shows ease or resistance. What you saw there can tell you how you operate in the love department, for yourself and others. The questions and answers given may surprise and enlighten you, or they may reassure you you are on the right track.

I know this is a lot to digest, but the more you see yourself as a seasoned traveler and journeyer, the greater the ease of entering these high states of awareness where you learn you are never alone. You are surrounded by energies that wish to assist you in this journey called life. Allow them to share their wisdom with you, and use it to become your highest version.

Judy Crescenzo

Email for a Astrology Chart reading $150

On August 3rd at 8:58 AM PDT we have the Moon opposing the Sun at 11 degrees. We also have a T-Square from Uranus at 10 degrees. Let's look at what is going on with these luminaries and this planet. We know when there’s a Full Moon everything is peaking, exaggerated energies and extreme emotions. This Full Moon in Aquarius is the non-conformist; it inspires the energy of freedom and is a fixed sign that is anchored in individualism. It is an air sign of high humidity, being the “water bearer” of the zodiac. This means although it is detached and intellectual, it is also compassionate. It activates our merciful and benevolent humanitarian actions and motivates us to seek others who share our values.

Opposite this is the Sun in Leo, it’s luminary ruler. This means the Sun is exalted in this sign, in its purest sense. Leo energy is very creative, very dramatic, and can be very selfish. It is different from the altruistic energy of Aquarius and seeks personal recognition and authority. It focuses on the “me” where Aquarius focuses on “we.”

Now we bring in Uranus in the sign of Taurus; another fixed sign. This is the planet that is the ruler of the sign of Aquarius. While in the sign of Taurus, the rebellious nature of this planet is focused on financial institutions, technology and internet commerce. Many changes will take place in our value system while Uranus stays in this sign through April 26, 2026.

But how does it affect this Full Moon? First it asks us if we truly believe in what we are doing? Can we still accomplish our daily duties with all of the upsets and challenges from the outside world, or the subconscious forces from within? There is a temporary period of instability here that can generate tension and release in our personal and emotional lives. There can be sudden physical issues with our home or our families. The challenges are real here, and these combined energies are seeking to usher in change in a very dynamic way. We are being summoned to consider where we are stuck, it requires us to confront our own roadblocks.

To really participate in these energies in a productive way, don’t suppress it, deal with it! How you say? The first step is identifying the areas of life where you feel restricted. Where you may feel “the victim” of your life rather than the creator. Tell your higher self you are ready and willing to deal with how you got there.

On this beautiful occasion whether it’s day or night, allow yourself some time to devote to a “journey.” To begin with, find yourself with time alone to surrender to the exaggerated energies and use them for your own benefit. Create your sacred space with your power objects, flowers, oils or fragrances; whatever takes you “home” to your inner self. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Imagine you are in a field of wildflowers. Your attention is drawn to the beautiful colors you see around you. Can you find a dominant color, or colors? Ask your Guides, Angels, Spirit Helpers to arrive on the scene to walk with you. As they arrive, feel the energy get ramped up to a very high level. Together look around you and find your most common flower’s color. Go to it and sit down, cupping the flower with both hands, and ask for it’s wisdom. Bring up your query of how you got to your current condition. Allow the flower to respond and share it’s “knowing” of your deepest issues and hurdles. Sit with this “color” and guidance until you are drawn to another color in the spectrum.

You may ask the same question or allow one to surface in the moment of asking. Continue this until you feel your questions have been answered for today. Then see yourself stand up in the field and embrace those who have assisted you in coming to help you. Then turn your attention back to the physical world, and write down what you experienced.

While going over this information, consider the ​colors ​that called to you in relation to your Chakra System. The dominant colors that spoke to you can be where your limitations live. For instance, if your dominant color was red, look to the Root Chakra for the information it holds in relation to your questions. Also look to the physical body and what this Chakra is in charge of to get more insight.

This is preventive medicine for the soul. So as we move through these revolutionary times, take the lead with a personal rebellion, and free yourself from limiting thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and conditions.

Judy Crescenzo

(email Judy for a Astrology chart and reading)

On July 20th at 10:32 AM PDT the New Moon is in the sign of Cancer. Every New Moon we are inspired to set intentions, to give birth to the plans and ideas we will set in motion. With the 4 planets retrograde, and the Sun and Moon’s opposition to Jupiter, Saturn (exact), and Pluto, this New Moon comes with difficulties. The planets create issues that can delay or negate your goals, making it imperative to see the “bigger picture”.

What have we learned from these conjunctions? (Review ​Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter Conjunctions of 2020​) Wherever our lives have been transformed, where we find ourselves limited and uncomfortable, will tell us how far we’ve come or haven’t. Taking a personal look at what we’ve done under the conditions we are in tells us the

choice we have made on how we are handling these energies. By no means am I saying our suffering has been in vain; but having the ability to reframe our circumstances to stay positive and healthy in the midst of it is the lesson.

Cancer is the sign of the Mother; nurturing, caring for the greater good. It is a water sign, ruling our emotions, our sensitivities and our instincts. When the Sun and Moon are in Cancer we are extremely intuitive and feel everything. We remember our past which is just a memory now, and dream our future vision. Where this degree of Cancer is in our natal chart, 28 degrees, will show us just how and where we are being encouraged to recreate ourselves.

Collectively we are experiencing an upgrade. We are being asked to leave behind our past lives and have a “rebirth”. This Moon will assist us in this time of labor from our old selves to our new self. I’m sure you’ve witnessed the explosive energies that have been tearing our world apart, now it is time to dissect ourselves and recreate. New ways of support, new ways of parenting, new ways of viewing ourselves. We’ve been given the time (some may say it’s been forced upon us) to look deep within and admit to who we’ve been in our past. Those options are no longer available to us so we are having to renegotiate how we live in the world. This can be a time of freedom from who we thought we were to who we are becoming. Instead of seeing the world stacked against us, we can have the broader vision of time and life recalibrating to a new reality.

So take this moment to connect with Great Spirit for a celebration of the new you. The way to the future is through the past. Surround yourself with beauty; your favorite crystals or stones, a lovely candle, some fragrant flowers. Ask for guidance from your

ancestors, your guides and angels, the invisible ones, and those who look after you. Breathe in the love and exhale your limitations. Find yourself in the void, as if you are in Mother’s womb. Listen to your heart beating, your body’s breathing, and allow yourself to RELAX. Imagine you are at a beautiful beach at the ocean, a lake or river. Beginning at your feet, see yourself in that environment, and from the ground up witness your appearance. What are you wearing? Shoes or bare foot, clothing or naked, male or female..... Do you appear strong and happy or weak and hopeless? Take mental notes.

See yourself effortlessly moving toward the water, knowing it’s all embracing warmth and ability to make you “lighter” as you float out into it. Allow yourself to be at peace in this environment as you pray for layers of you to simply melt away. These layers hold all of the fears, phobias and inhibitions. Like a snake shedding it’s skin, ask these waters to remove that which no longer serves you. You may see “floats” attached to you, keeping you from submerging yourself in these waters. They represent the layers of the past that keep you from your unlimited self. See the layers float away from your body, and the burdens they represent. Speak to them as you gently let them go. You no longer need to believe you are stuck and unable to change. We are all meant to grow now, so stay in this water until you feel rejuvenated and reunited with your higher self. Once you feel ready, see yourself step out of the water and warm yourself on the shore. It is a glorious feeling to be refreshed and reinvigorated here.

Bring yourself back to your body and once you are fully back, write down what you witnessed. How you were dressed or undressed in your vision, the colors you wore and how it felt is all important and can alert you to the state you arrived in. You may have appeared different stepping out of the water, all the details of your journey are full of insight and wisdom.

So make this New Moon your time to celebrate what you are becoming and know no matter what the planets are doing, you have control of your Spirit. Have a beautiful journey and a beautiful rebirth.

Judy Crescenzo

email for private session


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