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Capricorn is the sign of the builder, the significant leader of projects; an earth sign with plans. It is a responsible sign that doesn’t like to show weakness, or appear unable to construct or reconstruct a stable foundation for whatever they are building. That is the sign of this Full Moon, opposite the Sun in Cancer. Every full moon is opposite the sun's sign, and with the opposition comes lessons.

With the Sun in Cancer, you have powerful emotional attachments to the past, your family, your childhood, those places you associate with safety and security and your beginnings. You cling to what is dear to you for comfort, like familiar patterns that soothe you. Cancer is a water sign; one of emotional responses and sensitivities.

This is also a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which should be visible beginning at 8:04 PM PDT through 10:56 PM PDT! The potential is expanded for us to make great breakthroughs in how we reconstruct our emotional lives.

The Cancer/Capricorn axis brings to light our security and lack of it. We are living through very unsure times. We find what used to bring us comfort and safety is slipping through our fingers, we are finding ourselves no longer in control. And Cancer energy is one that needs to control, like the good Mother energy that it is, in order to feel safe. So we are being forced to renegotiate how we find our new state of well being. What can we count on? Only ourselves.

It's time to look at our vulnerabilities and fears. There are real reasons out there to build more fears upon, to lose ourselves in and forget to look within. It’s like a drug that takes over our lives, and we become addicted to watching the nightmare as it unfolds. But what purpose does it serve to drain vital energies and hide like the Crab (Cancers symbol) from our own purpose. That purpose is always self improvement; working the universe from the inside out. That is our security, knowing that cannot be taken away from us, we can never lose it. Creating that bond with our own guidance and navigation systems onboard cannot be lost like the internet could.

So on this Solar/Lunar occasion it is time to celebrate the 4th of July as Independence Day for your soul! Take a moment to create your sacred space; preferably outside in nature. It could even be during the fireworks, as it will be up here in Washington state at 9:44 PM. Pray to the 4 directions bowing in each direction. Call in your guides, angels, spirit helpers with your highest good in mind. Ask the Capricorn Moon to shed light on your limited beliefs, your deepest fears and shortcomings. Once you begin to feel the presence of that energy, give it a name and speak to it like an old friend. Ask them what they need in order to move through and past this issue. Take time to listen and really hear their story. Once they have finished, assure them that now you are aware and will undertake the task of releasing them.

You may have more than one visitor; take the time to listen to all those who come forward. Once you are full of ideas and plans, thank all those who've come forward to assist you in your life and bring yourself back to full consciousness. Write down what you experienced as the conversations may be fleeting like a dream.

Having a solid connection with your own guidance will keep you grounded and productive. You will no longer be like a leaf in the wind, carried outside of your inner peace. Celebrate this 4th of July in a brand new way; one of freedom and self love.

Judy Crescenzo

email Judy for Private sessions

What does it mean when a planet is retrograde? Most people have heard that when Mercury goes retrograde, all types of communications go down: misunderstandings, technology stops working properly, rethinking must take place. But did you know that all the planets have retrograde cycles, and with that, it indicates a “pause” in the forward movement of the energy that planet inspires.

This year we have an abundance of retrograde planets. Here is the list and dates:

*Mercury​ ​® in Cancer​ 6/18/20-7/11/20

*Venus ® in Gemini​ 5/13/20-6/27/20

*Jupiter ® in Capricorn​ 5/25/20-8/12/20

*Saturn ® in Aquarius​ 5/11/20-7/1/20, retrogrades into Capricorn 7/2/20-9/29/20, then goes direct and returns to the sign of Aquarius 12/17/20

*Uranus ® in Taurus​ 8/15/20-1/13/21 *Neptune ® in Pisces​ 6/23/20-11/28/20 *Pluto ® in Capricorn​ 4/25/20-10/3/20

Wow! How will this affect us? It’s not ALL bad news, in fact we have an opportunity to slow down, pause and review ourselves and our lives.

With ​Mercury​ ® we can rethink our decisions, take a pause and not rush into contractual agreements, take time to read and learn in order to eventually move forward with more clarity of purpose and action. Sure your computer may stop working;) but get out that pen and paper and write lists, journal on your thoughts and clear the decks by finishing what has already been started.

Venus​ ® strikes a chord with our values. What and who we care about, what’s the state of our relationships, and our financial worth. Time to readjust how we see ourselves and make true appraisals of what we can do about it. What’s been left undone or unsaid in our relationships with loved ones and friends? Clear the air. Remove the boundaries that separate us and rekindle the warmth that is given free of expectations.

Jupiter​ ® slows the expansion down. By this I mean the outward expansion in our lives. It flips us like a coin and shows how to expand our inner dimension. What do we believe in the highest sense? This planet of spiritual beliefs and higher learning stops us in our tracks and makes us question our motives, our moral codes. Time for a review of what we have learned and to implement it into our core beliefs.

Saturn ​® takes us by the shoulders and shakes us to our foundation. While in Aquarius ​® we are looking at our individuality, our uniqueness, our freedom. These areas of our lives feel limited as Saturn’s energy constricts. We feel on shaky ground, unsure of our personal security. Then when it retrogrades into the sign of​ Capricorn​, again, our very foundation comes into question; our selves, our towns, our country and our world. Time to find the cracks in our personal infrastructure and fix them. It’s a big task but will bring us to a new strength and stability.

Uranus ​® can be a confusing period, as the nature of Uranus is to strike out on our own, be free and unique in the world. This is the planet of awakening, breaking from the pack and dancing to the beat of a different drummer. But this comes into question when retrograde; we investigate what keeps us from our freedom and consider the necessary changes needed to become more free and spontaneous.

Neptune ​® is the planet of illusion and/or delusion. When in direct motion it inspires us to clear the boundaries of our reality and go deeper. When it is retrograde we become baffled and bewildered, wondering how we ever believed what we had come to believe in the first place. Look to our dreams for inspiration, look to the abstract to find our place in the world, as it will be revealed through meditation and contemplation.

And finally Pluto ® the planet affiliated to the Phoenix Principle. This is the planet of death and rebirth, what we have inherited, and how we will use it in our lives. When retrograde it can show us what is hidden in our consciousness; what lies beneath the surface. It reveals our personal power, or lack of it. Time for transformation. No more time for blaming, but time for changing for the better.

So, what a transformational year we have before us. We can see through all the smoke and mirrors what needs changing, personally and in our world. We know we cannot look to our governments to guide us, to save us; but must look at ourselves for the change we wish to see in our world. So take this opportunity to fine tune your life, to be the revolution and take hold of the shift we are experiencing with Spirit guiding you from within.

Judy Crescenzo

email for a private session

Summer Solstice 2020 The Summer Solstice is the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere, and has traditionally been celebrated as the longest day of the year. But there is much more to this celebration of light with all the planets and luminaries playing their part in this occasion.

On June 20th at 2:44 PM, PDT, the Sun enters Cancer. At 11:41 PM that evening there is a Solar Eclipse and the New Moon in Cancer. With this energy changing from the Air sign of Gemini into the Water sign of Cancer, our attention is turned to our home, our families, our emotions, and our ability to nurture and be nurtured. There alone is a reason to celebrate the brightest day of our solar year, as it is most sacred to us all. Cancer is the sign of the Mother, and is a cardinal sign of leadership as it begins the new season. We have left behind Spring and are moving into summer in our Northern Hemisphere with this sign heralding summer’s first of three months.

In our immediate past summer has been a time for family gatherings, sharing food, ideas, conversations. A time to celebrate the warmer weather, to get out and travel about, short and long distances. Now we look to our collective futures and wonder how can we celebrate when all isn’t right in our world?

Consider the fear that is world wide at this time. Consider the power behind this energy and how, when compounded, can be its own force to reckon with. Like a poltergeist, this energy can manifest and grow to disrupt our lives and health even more. It is time to turn to our Universal Mother; whoever that represents to you. Time to call upon that bedtime story that puts our fears to rest and tucks us into bed safe and sound, looking forward to what tomorrow will bring. We have an opportunity to create a new tradition, one that is truly sacred and yet different than we have experienced before. The Cancer Sun and Moon together on this occasion are normally all about tradition, our ancestors and how we got here. It inspires us to find our heritage, our birthrights, and learn about our culture. The deeper we dig into our personal histories we find we are related to our fellow man/woman in ways that inspire unity. We all have bodies, we all have parents, we have our “personal stories” we have built our lives upon.

We are all in the family of human beings. Now we can reunite and see our family and use Motherly love to teach and learn together. The Mother energy gives life and

sustenance to it’s creation or ward, whether it is human, flora or fauna. The Sun and Moon entering the sign of Cancer opens the doorway to a new future of our own making. We can build this new reality with love in mind. We can use the communication skills gained through the Sun in Gemini to now speak honestly and clearly about our next creation. We all need to search our own hearts to find our connection to what sustains us, what nurtures us, and never neglect to reserve that for ourselves. Mother’s tend to put themselves last, and that unbalance is not productive. It models a behavior of martyrdom for our children and is here to be reevaluated. We can awaken to new patterns, more value, more respect. Look at your own Mother and what she taught you. Are they patterns worth repeating or are you ready to break the chain. I believe we are here for self improvement which helps our future generations to think and act more clearly. To value themselves and each other for what they have to share with the world.

So take this moment to celebrate your uniqueness. Build upon this time to change your world for the better. Find ways to celebrate these energies by improving yourself and becoming the best version of you. We can all turn the corner together and encourage the best from each other. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind but color it with love. Come from your heart and speak the truth and see what happens.

Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse/New Moon and the potentials it brings to us all. With the Sun and Moon showing us our brightness and our shadow self simultaneously the emotional body is opened up to purge all the pessimistic feelings. Work with this flood of light energy to cleanse and nurture your essence. Change is inevitable so take control of what you have before you and give it all you’ve got.

Judy Crescenzo


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