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The New Moon in Scorpio will occur November 14th, 2020 at 9:08 PM PST. This one is a “Super New Moon”, meaning this is the time of the Moon’s perigee. This is when the Moon makes its closest approach to the Earth, and can have a somewhat stronger effect on us. It certainly does affect the ocean and river tides and all things Water oriented; especially in the sign of Scorpio.

The Sun and the Moon are at 23 degrees Scorpio 18 minutes at this moment. In casting a chart for this moment of the New Moon, other planets come into play. But first let’s talk about Scorpio energy. Scorpio rules the second month of Autumn, and the second month of every season is termed “fixed.” All fixed signs have a need for respect and if they don’t receive it, they never forget, and sometimes never forgive. It’s solid,determined and powerful. It’s a water sign in it’s icy state, and behaves in a very cautious and sure footed way. It is very deep and mysterious ruling the occult, and the secrets left unspoken. Being so sensitive this energy can borderline on touchy, moody and judgemental. But there’s a higher use of Scorpio energy which lends itself to digging deep into hidden truths that can set us free. After all, Scorpio’s ruling planet is Pluto, the transformer.

So next let’s look at the other players on this occasion. Jupiter is 23 degrees Capricorn; it exactly sextiles the New Moon and Sun. This is good, very good as Jupiter is a “benefic” planet; one that brings expansion, growth and positive movement. So in choosing to go “deep” on this Super New Moon, you will be bathed in the good energy this planet and luminaries bring. Your relationships with loved ones get a boost, profound realizations are possible with your good intentions. Pluto is at 22 degrees Capricorn, closely sextiling the New Moon and Sun. This brings us the opportunity for great soul growth, where we can increase our personal power and make the much needed changes in our lives.

At the same time Venus is 22 degrees Libra squaring Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn. Venus is about love and values, and Pluto is about power and control. All the good energy brought by Jupiter and Pluto to the Sun and Moon can be challenged by this square. That is if your relationship is out of balance and needs repair. Tensions may arise and insecurities may come out about jealousy and fears in the relationship. Pluto wants to blow everything up, destroy it all, and like the Phoenix rise from the ashes. That’s one way of handling it, but where’s the love?

So, what is the very best use of this New Moon’s power? Here on the West Coast we will be celebrating at 9:08 PM, or thereabouts. So gather your candles, your crystals, your decks of cards and all things that connect you with All That Is. Set up a power grid, one that is guided by deeply connecting with your guardians. While quieting your mind and being led by Spirit, create a beautiful altar with your power objects and some “Holy Water” made by you. To make my Holy Water I put my largest quartz crystal into a glass bowl of water and fill it with the purest water I have access to. Then I put it out under the Moon the night before I want to use it, and pray that it be imbued with the Holy Grace of the Mother energy the Moon shares.

Include your water in this ceremony in whatever way you are guided, whether in a bowl, a mister, in a vase with create the moment. Now, with that, close your eyes, get comfortable and breathe deep. Breathe in peace, and breathe out worry and fear. See yourself in a setting where you see a staircase leading down. It’s beautiful, safe and supportive and beckons you to walk down it. As you do, take notice of how you appear while walking down this staircase, and how it appears to you as well. Begin to see your surroundings, let your imagination soar with your images. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs you have arrived at the library. Not just any library, but your soul’s reference center.

Go into this space, and look in all 4 directions, taking note of all you see. What materials is it made of, what are the colors you see? Are you alone or is anyone else there? Once you acclimate to this space find help through whatever means that present themselves, to find answers to questions, or help in a direction. Or you may simply state outloud; what are the needed pearls of wisdom I am seeking? Without delay you may have a flash of insight, be drawn to a book or title on a shelf, hear lyrics and music that speaks to you....the visions can come in stark or subtle ways. You have access to help and your questions may be many. Ask and seek guidance for your highest good, knowing only that which you are ready to know will be delivered to you.

Once you are finished, turn to all four directions in your journey, and thank all those that have come to assist you in ​Knowing​. Now, find your way back to the staircase, and with strength of will and purpose, climb up and back to your place of origin.Take a moment before returning completely to see yourself after ascending the staircase for any changes in your appearance. Feel the Earth beneath your feet, look up at the beautiful New Moon, and feel the power available to you to live a life in your highest form.

Judy Crescenzo

Taurus Full Moon 10/31/20

Element: Earth

Candle Colors: Pink, Green and Brown

Using the power energy of the Taurus Full Moon to help clear your old sorrows and pains towards self-love, self-worth, abundance, sensual pleasures and stubbornness to allow these positive energies to flow through you with ease.

Taurus Full Moon allows you to pull out the weeds and overgrown past from your inner garden to heal and manifest these into your reality. The Heart Energy Point allows you to heal old wounds that were planted by others that you accepted as truth because you weren't tapped into your self worth and inner love.

It's time to CLEAR - baby - CLEAR these childish wounds and LOVE your inner child that came into this world to experience the purest form of love and appreciation for ALL that IS!!!

To help you find clarity and understanding, ask yourself these questions and answer them with your heart fully open to the truth, even if it means you have to take responsibility for your

“side of the street.”


~What makes you feel sensual? Is there anything blocking you from

feeling these feelings?

~What makes you feel loved? Have/When have you loved yourself so much that it didn’t matter if the “world” loved you?

~What makes you feel worthy of a great life? Can you visualize this

“life” with ease or is it hard to see good things happen to you?

These are a few questions to answer before you start your moon journey in Taurus.

By answering these questions you are easily able to see what blocks you from believing these are YOURS to have. To know that you are deserving of love, joy, pleasure and money. These are your birth rights!! By handwriting these, you are also able to see what you truly desire in your heart and this can help you to be more focused when manifesting these feelings and desires into your reality!

What you will need for the Full Moon Clearing:


*Bowl of water


Grab your paper, pen, candle and matches.

*Loose paper, pen and sharpie marker

- Write 10 blocks you would like to

clear from your pathway

*Candle(s) - What color grabs your attention? Choose the one that

stands out in your “minds eye” more than the others.

First, handwrite a list of 10 clearings that will support your heart to feel safe to open and what behaviors/relationships have you outgrown in your life at this moment in time.

Second, take your candle(s) and with a sharpie write on the candle what you “gain” when you clear these blocks and fears from your heart and your spiritual world.

(These will be the positives of letting go, what can now be planted.)

Third, listen to “heart opening" music and hold your candle in your left hand next to your heart, while visualizing the beauty that can now grow from the new open spaces within your heart.

Fourth, light your paper and send your pain, fears and old wounds up to the universe to clear. Let the paper burn out and when it’s getting close to fully being engulfed into flames, drop it into the bowl of water to put it out.

Then take the bowl of burnt paper and water outside and throw it into nature so it becomes the soil that doesn't “define” you, but instead INSPIRES you to shift and open into your heart.”

Fifth, light your candle with a match and see the black smoke disappear into a flame that is ignited with hope. Allow your candle to burn all the way out. (2-10 days)

*safety first* - Make sure your candle is always monitored and never

leave in an unsafe area. If you have to blow out your candle for safe keeping, you may relight it again, just always hold your intentions in your heart first and then relight it.

Full Moon Affirmation: “I am surrounded by love that is easily grounding in my

heart and soul”

Have a wonderful time, enjoy and let the universe guide you in feeling

safe in your heart to allow love in!!

You are special and you deserve to feel the love of Mother Earth in all that you do!

Blessings to you all,


The New Moon in Libra occurs Friday October 16th at 12:32 PM PDT. This is quite a loaded month, with two Full Moons and plenty of planetary action happening at the same time. On this day, the Sun and Moon in Libra at 23 degrees have a square from Pluto (at 22 degrees Capricorn) and Saturn (at 20 degrees Capricorn); as well as an opposition to Mars (at 20 degrees Aries). Wow. These are all cardinal signs, meaning the energies are ambitious, instigating, and action oriented.

The square from Pluto can dredge up past behavior patterns that are no longer viable in today's world. It can disrupt through compulsive actions that hit at the heart of your unconscious cues. There may be significant changes in your relationships and domestic life that need dealing with. Saturn adds an isolated feeling, and possibly depression. These planets are steering us towards a new understanding regarding the balance of our priorities in our lives now. Are we paying enough attention to what is most important, who is most important, and how in these changing times we can evolve?

Then on to Mars in Aries opposite this lunation cycle. This is a period of testing and confrontation that will point out the strains and stresses in our closest relationships, as well as the positive and strong parts. You may see someone close to you acting out your unconscious drives, mirroring your own behaviors. Look very carefully at them as they are reflecting your own inner attitudes. Allow the pressure to be released in a creative, loving way, revealing the truth. Mercury goes retrograde again in Scorpio on the 14th of October, setting the stage for breakdowns in communications, devices and negotiations. This only adds to the confusion and irritation in trying to be understood.

So, in knowing the planets and luminaries are conspiring to push us forward, once again, we have choices to make. We can set a new intention, true to the energy of the New Moon. We can set our intention on strengthening our closest relationships by digging deep into our subconscious for clues on what to ACT ON. Are we at fault, have we been resisting our own growth by isolating ourselves? Or are others seemingly blocking the way to the closeness we require from them? In life as we grow we realize we cannot change anyone else’s behavior or personality except our own.

Libra energy is all about balance; me and you, them and us; and all of humanity. So change again will come from the inside out, from our deepest heart that resonates with all of life. What can we do to bring about this change? I recommend the Golden Rule; treat others as you wish to be treated. Don’t expect others to do the job of taking that step forward, take it yourself.

If you don’t have the opportunity to clear the decks on your relationships in person, may I recommend another powerful way to have the much needed conversations with those you need to speak to. Set aside time on this New Moon to be undisturbed, in a quiet and safe setting. It could be inside or outside, wherever you feel most nurtured, cozy and inspired. Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting comfortably in a beautiful room, full of whatever objects, artwork, colors, sounds, smells that you honor and love. You see across from you another seat, very comfortable and inviting. One by one, summon those people, alive or passed on, to join you and have a seat. Once they are there, begin your conversation with them, unburdening your heart with those things left unsaid. Without doubt, allow them to respond to you, and listen carefully to what they have to tell you. In this place both of you can release the misunderstandings, the hurt feelings, whatever has kept you from the peace that clarity can give. As the conversations end, see yourself getting up and embracing those you’ve communicated with before bringing in the next person.

Once you have spoken to all of those you wish closeness with, in whatever form is appropriate for you at this time, look around this room once again and thank all of those who came to work things out with you, and come back to the present. You may wish to write down your experiences, as they are fresh in your mind. Now, go about the rest of your day knowing you took action, as these energies required you to do. And know in your heart of hearts it will make a difference in your life and relationships.

Judy Crescenzo

email Judy to book your personal chart


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