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The New Moon in Libra occurs Friday October 16th at 12:32 PM PDT. This is quite a loaded month, with two Full Moons and plenty of planetary action happening at the same time. On this day, the Sun and Moon in Libra at 23 degrees have a square from Pluto (at 22 degrees Capricorn) and Saturn (at 20 degrees Capricorn); as well as an opposition to Mars (at 20 degrees Aries). Wow. These are all cardinal signs, meaning the energies are ambitious, instigating, and action oriented.

The square from Pluto can dredge up past behavior patterns that are no longer viable in today's world. It can disrupt through compulsive actions that hit at the heart of your unconscious cues. There may be significant changes in your relationships and domestic life that need dealing with. Saturn adds an isolated feeling, and possibly depression. These planets are steering us towards a new understanding regarding the balance of our priorities in our lives now. Are we paying enough attention to what is most important, who is most important, and how in these changing times we can evolve?

Then on to Mars in Aries opposite this lunation cycle. This is a period of testing and confrontation that will point out the strains and stresses in our closest relationships, as well as the positive and strong parts. You may see someone close to you acting out your unconscious drives, mirroring your own behaviors. Look very carefully at them as they are reflecting your own inner attitudes. Allow the pressure to be released in a creative, loving way, revealing the truth. Mercury goes retrograde again in Scorpio on the 14th of October, setting the stage for breakdowns in communications, devices and negotiations. This only adds to the confusion and irritation in trying to be understood.

So, in knowing the planets and luminaries are conspiring to push us forward, once again, we have choices to make. We can set a new intention, true to the energy of the New Moon. We can set our intention on strengthening our closest relationships by digging deep into our subconscious for clues on what to ACT ON. Are we at fault, have we been resisting our own growth by isolating ourselves? Or are others seemingly blocking the way to the closeness we require from them? In life as we grow we realize we cannot change anyone else’s behavior or personality except our own.

Libra energy is all about balance; me and you, them and us; and all of humanity. So change again will come from the inside out, from our deepest heart that resonates with all of life. What can we do to bring about this change? I recommend the Golden Rule; treat others as you wish to be treated. Don’t expect others to do the job of taking that step forward, take it yourself.

If you don’t have the opportunity to clear the decks on your relationships in person, may I recommend another powerful way to have the much needed conversations with those you need to speak to. Set aside time on this New Moon to be undisturbed, in a quiet and safe setting. It could be inside or outside, wherever you feel most nurtured, cozy and inspired. Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting comfortably in a beautiful room, full of whatever objects, artwork, colors, sounds, smells that you honor and love. You see across from you another seat, very comfortable and inviting. One by one, summon those people, alive or passed on, to join you and have a seat. Once they are there, begin your conversation with them, unburdening your heart with those things left unsaid. Without doubt, allow them to respond to you, and listen carefully to what they have to tell you. In this place both of you can release the misunderstandings, the hurt feelings, whatever has kept you from the peace that clarity can give. As the conversations end, see yourself getting up and embracing those you’ve communicated with before bringing in the next person.

Once you have spoken to all of those you wish closeness with, in whatever form is appropriate for you at this time, look around this room once again and thank all of those who came to work things out with you, and come back to the present. You may wish to write down your experiences, as they are fresh in your mind. Now, go about the rest of your day knowing you took action, as these energies required you to do. And know in your heart of hearts it will make a difference in your life and relationships.

Judy Crescenzo

email Judy to book your personal chart

Generally we see a Full Moon and a New Moon in a month’s time. But this month, we will see two Full Moons, with the second called the “Blue Moon.” Just what does that mean? You’ve heard the saying, “once in a Blue Moon” haven’t you? It refers to something happening very rarely, and in keeping with that, we see a second Full Moon in one month very rarely; about every 32 months.

In the month of October, we have a Full Moon on October 1st at 2:06 PM, PDT in the sign of Aries; stationed at 9 degrees 8 minutes. This Moon is in a Fire Sign, full of energy, initiative and power. Knowing the Full Moon indicates the culmination of what was begun on the New Moon, we are ready to “harvest” all the seeds sown then. This Moon, in fact, is called the “Harvest Moon” as it is the first Full Moon following the Equinox. Whether or not you have a garden to harvest, a project coming to completion, or an initiative you began with the New Moon, look at this time to gather and sort your creation, and use Aries energy and courage to finish your project(s) and make way for the next.

We know that a Full Moon can exaggerate, overwhelm and create havoc for some. But look out when this Full Moon in Aries gets going; Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is the planet of war and can create strife, friction and arguments on this day especially. So in order to give positive power to your life during this time, doing something with passion, enthusiasm and spirit is a great outlet. You cannot deter this energy or it becomes explosive; use it to the fullest extent. Mars is male and active and this force and vitality shouldn’t be wasted on anger and frustration. Pull out all the stops and get busy.

Then, on October 31st we have the 2nd Full Moon in Taurus; just in time for Halloween! This Moon is in the sign of Taurus, stationed at 8 degrees 38 minutes, at 7:51 AM, PDT. And, this is the last day of Daylight Savings Time for this year. This is a very different Full Moon in the fixed Earth Sign of Taurus. This sign is solid, grounded and anchored in its energy, and the problem here can be stubbornness. It is a sign that loves sensory pleasures, beauty in all forms and harmony.

This Full Moon in Taurus will be following the New Moon in Libra, and with the planet Venus leading the way, balance will be key. Both Taurus and Libra have Venus as their rulership, making this month an inspiration to beautify our lives. Venus is feminine and passive in nature, very different from Mars and the Moon in Aries. On this day our imagination is lit with ideas and plans to soften our view of life, to welcome relationships with an open heart and be motivated to create harmony. Just don’t let the Libra energy make you want to please others so much you forget yourself in the mix. This could lead to resentments and grudge holding, which Taurus can be great at. The balance of me and you, them and us, ours and theirs is important now and always.

So, how do we celebrate this duo of Full Moons? Look to the Full Moon in Aries as the harvest of the Summer season, and the extra energy needed to put those creations began in Summer, to bed. “​For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven”. The greatest way to celebrate this day is in sharing your “harvest” and all you have gained through the Summer season. Then on to the “Blue Moon” of Halloween! Such a perfect occasion to have a Full Moon. And with the celebration of Samhain in the Gaelic tradition beginning on October 31 and ending on November 1st, it ends the harvest season and begins the darker half of the year. This is when we honor the dead, and it refers to the saints celebrated on All Saints' Day, which is November 1 So, Halloween is just an old-fashioned way of saying "the night before All Saints' Day" — also called Hallowmas or All Hallows' Day.

The children will be out in costume, gathering candy and enjoying their booty for days to come. But for the adults, it’s also time to celebrate the occasion with the fullness of the Autumn season in full aray. Decorate your home, beautify your life and commemorate the holiday with treats and artistry. Time to light the bonfire and have a festive gathering. That will be easy with the Taurus Full Moon, as the inspiration is there.

This will be an especially potent month for us all; let's enjoy the season and the creativity that comes with it!

Judy Crescenzo

email for a personal session!

This is the sign of the harvest, and the time is ripe for creating order in our creation. If we look at our lives as a metaphor for our garden and how it’s ready to pick and gather what we have sewn in the time between now and our last New Moon in Leo, we can see what has grown abundantly and what has withered on the vine.

With the Sun and Moon in Virgo at 25 degrees, we look at the other planets and relationships to these luminaries. The good news is we have a Saturn trine, at 25 degrees Capricorn. This is a beneficial relationship, as it supports the serious side of Virgo that wants to create solutions to the practical concerns of life such as health, meaningful work, and successfully managing routines.

This energy is detail oriented, and wants to look at everything analytically and without undue emotion in order to solve issues. It is a sign that is highly critical of waste, abuse, and selfishness so kindness is in order here. An open heart to one’s self as well as others assists in using this energy properly.

We also have an Inconjunct from these luminaries to Mars at 27 degrees Aries. Mars in Aries is “me” oriented, where the Sun and Moon are in “we” thinking. With the inconjunct we have adjustments to make, so see where in yourself this balance or imbalance lies. This time calls for generosity, as we have only to give of ourselves and our skills and talents. Virgo is in service to humanity and we need to look at where we are in service to ourselves and others. Are we healthy? Enjoying our work and service, or resentful of our obligations? Is our house in order or are we living in squalor? We have an opportunity here to organize our lives with the assistance of these energies.

Rather than a journey that takes us to our subconscious, I choose to consciously pick a job to do like cleaning out a closet. Tear it apart, take everything out, and objectively see what we need and what we should let go of. You can be very generous here, seeing what you have and haven’t used, needed, or relied on that someone else can benefit from.

These “things” in our closets are at times kept for all the wrong reasons. Something we used to wear when our body was different, stuff we used to use; or got when we thought we needed it but really didn’t. Exercise gear we fell out of love with. Stacks of old reading materials that we have read but don’t trust we will remember what we learned from them. It’s time to unclutter in order to have our lives organized and efficient. When we stockpile old elements in the material world it limits our ability to create what we need in our lives now. We are ever changing, and with that understanding allow yourself to finally let go of what you have been holding on to, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Once you have boxed and bagged up your donations for others, and put what you are keeping back into your closet, don’t you feel lighter? Doesn’t the closet space look clean and free from the debris of the past? Now is the time to celebrate this New Moon with pride in yourself and confidence knowing you can let go of attachments you don’t need. This exercise works on the conscious and unconscious level. You can set your goals with the knowledge you are creating from a clean slate, free of fear of letting go.

Judy Crescenzo

email for a private session


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