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In the year 2022, Spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere on Sunday March 20th, at 8:32 AM PST. Autumn begins in the Southern Hemisphere at the same time.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s celebrate the beginning of another Solar year, and this time, let’s look at it like a new being. As an astrologer, I interpret the Equinox to have it’s own “birth chart” and personality, and as such it’s own potential. I see the chart like an overlay, to compare to my own chart and see what it’s relationships are. This way I can use these potentials wisely;)

To begin with, each and every year the Vernal Equinox occurs when the Sun has finished out the year in Pisces and stations at 0 degrees Aries 0 minutes. We leave a water sign and move into FIRE. This fire ignites us, encouraging strength, courage, honesty and integrity. This sign is ruled by Mars, the active planet of war and risk taking, with no patience for weakness. It is a Cardinal sign, beginning the new season of Spring. This sign draws out of us our determination, authority, and our leadership abilities. This energy can be aggressive and independent, making it difficult to follow when all you want to do is lead, or do it alone. But, each and every year, the planets and Moon are in different locations; creating a different relationship with the Sun. I’m going to break down this year's chart.

The Sun is sextile Pluto stationed at 28 degrees Capricorn. Together they inspire a belief in ourselves, access to deep inner resources, and dedication/determination to see a project through. There is great strength here, but without focus can become compulsive and selfish actions. It’s like lighting a match with these two, can be good or bad depending on our high or low self esteem.

The Moon, (representing our emotional life) in Libra desires harmony and unity, and can overlay our year with a compassionate heart and soul. The idealist in us emerges, wishing to paint the world with beautiful colors and realities that may not exist. But, it motivates us to create beauty and harmony wherever possible. This year's Moon is square Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn. This can be extremely emotional, creating intense desires and feelings. So, my solution would be when getting fired up about any emotional ideal, take a step back and look again. Release the past and begin anew. Use this energy to get moving on things rather than being dramatic.

Mercury, (representing our thinking/communicating) in Pisces lends a dreamy, childlike version of the world to us to block the ugliness. We are given more imagination, intuition, and creative thinking. But, watch out for absent mindedness and daydreaming when there’s work to be done;) Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces pushing us to look at the big picture and seek knowledge from a spiritual perspective. After all, our own perception is what drives our actions, so taking a higher view can assist us in not sweating the small stuff. Mercury is sextile Uranus in Taurus, showing us practical ways to accomplish more than we thought we could. And, Mercury is conjunct Neptune giving us even more access to our creative and intuitive mind. This is the year to excel in your spiritual gifts, and studying metaphysics, science, meditation, mysticism is the perfect way to begin. Remember, we are beginning a new year with new potentials, so use this energy to move forward.

Venus and Mars (our values and actions) are side by side in Aquarius, teaming up to share in a community effort, a social gathering, or a sharing of knowledge with those of like minds. This combo here provides us the desire to help humanity in ways better done in groups rather than alone. They are both squared by Uranus in Taurus. This makes for a craving for emotional excitement, needing to feel free and spontaneous. This nervous energy can make it difficult to slow down once on a “mission”, and can quickly turn to impatience and hasty decision making. Stay in balance.

Jupiter (the benefic teacher) is in Pisces and there’s still more prospects for higher learning. Calling all artists, musicians, creative souls. NOW IS THE TIME! Truly, there is no better time to experiment with different mediums to find your heart's desire! The planets are providing the energy to fly high. Jupiter is conjunct Neptune in Pisces; together they bring us to the place of dreams, of inspiration, and abstract realities. Saturn (the taskmaster) stationed at 20 degrees Aquarius reminds us to work through our suspicions regarding groups and associations through knowledge and inquiry. Actions=Power.

So this year's chart shows our new potential. It is about independence, inspiration followed by action, with the ability to see the bigger picture. We have all learned so much about ourselves in the last year and now is the time to do something about it. Where we have felt inadequate, it’s time to study and improve. Where we have felt uninspired, it’s time to get motivated. Not a time for weakness and excuses, find your heart and joy this year; it’s totally up to you. You won’t find it elsewhere, you’ll find it deep in your soul. Pay close attention to the choices you make; you can always change your mind and make another better choice. Be brave and impress yourself!


Judy Crescenzo

Our last Full Moon of the Solar year is on March 18th at 12:17 AM PST. It is in the sign of Virgo at 27 degrees 40 minutes. The Sun is stationed at 17 degrees Pisces 40 minutes. This opposition is a perfectly timed event, right before the Spring Equinox; as it is time to “clean house” before our new year. And with the Moon in Virgo, we automatically are driven to do this.

Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign. Mutable signs, such as Pisces and Virgo, occur in the last month of a season. These signs are adaptable and display aspects of the season ending and the one beginning. Virgo is an Earth sign; very grounded in practical matters. This sign represents the harvest, and reaping the rewards of hard work. The Earth element brings a concern for our planet and Virgos are very good with caring for the world; conscious about cause and effect, and taking responsibility for their actions. They love nature and the outdoors. This energy is grounded in conservation and usefulness.

The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury, the messenger. Mercury brings a mental quality to this Earth sign. Virgoan people are very analytical, seeing the details of any given situation. But at times they miss the emotion altogether and dwell in their critical thinking, both about themselves and others.

The symbol for Virgo is the Virgin. Virgin’s are pure and right; Virgo’s strive to be perfect. The symbol also encompasses fertility and the process one must undertake to bear fruit, in the field and at home. To strive for the best use of Virgo’s energy would be to investigate thoroughly whatever it is that needs research. To leave no stone unturned in the effort to learn. Virgo’s are all about work and health, and both are their responsibility to master. They need to resist pettiness and over critical thinking, and remember service and striving for the best.

The Virgo/Pisces axis is about health in body, mind and soul. It is time to heal our wounds from this last year and see the future in a methodical way. We have seen what works, and what hasn’t, in our quest for self improvement. We have been inundated with so much information to sort through from the world suffering through illness, discord, politics, supply chain lack, on and on. We have been overwhelmed with heartfelt images and reports that in our Pisces month has hit hard; it is after all one of the most sensitive signs we have. It’s like being dragged behind a truck, feeling all the pain and not knowing what we can do about it. But, thank goodness, the Virgo Full Moon is here to set us straight!

Let's break down how we have been affected, and then sit in a neutral place and look at it through the Virgoan eyes. The Full Moon is here to alert us as to what still needs cleaning up. We are each individuals with different lives, and depending on where you are, the firehose has been on high. Cities have been affected differently than rural areas, transiting workers have been hit hard in ways those working at home have not. Getting supplies and food has been difficult for most of the world with varying degrees. Let’s face it, it’s been an awful time for everyone from children to the elderly. And yet, we can see a dim light at the end of this tunnel. So now is the time to ready ourselves for the New Year coming on March 20th, by finishing out this year with a clear mind and a practical plan to move ahead.

This Full Moon will assist us in tallying up what is left to be done. This analytical Moon is determined to show us the way, through detaching ourselves from our emotional pain, and encouraging us to write down our intentions. This ideomotor activity brings thoughts through our crown chakra, down to our hands to record what we receive. The act of channeling or meditating to get answers takes us to that neutral place of wisdom, free from the grip of fear. Here we find practical solutions to help us grow and thrive in the coming year.

The Full Moon is opposite the Sun, and also Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces. This makes it difficult to be pragmatic, as Neptune can cloud our minds with illusions that paralyze us and keep us stuck in confusion. Or, it can elevate our emotions to compassion and forgiveness, for ourselves and others. The Moon is also trine Pluto stationed at 28 degrees Capricorn. This team inspires an attraction to the mysterious, the unknown, and to dangerous and/or challenging experiences which draw on all our inner resources. It will assist us in handling an emotional crisis, as it instills an interest in finding the deep roots of emotional problems, and how to cure them. This will bring us real closeness and intimacy with others, without barriers or secrets.

So let’s keep it simple. Direct your attention to any pain, issue,confusion, disagreement, misunderstanding that you may have struggled through this last year and lay it on the table. Look at it with dispassionate eyes, as if you are helping a friend figure out how to go about improving this situation. See the pros and cons of your plan, and settle on the correct course. Then, when the Sun moves into Aries the fire is lit and action becomes second nature. Where things have been so emotional, then the energy changes and supports decisive action!

That dim light is getting brighter and brighter with every step of self improvement you take, as we can change our world, one step at a time.


Judy Crescenzo

email Judy for a private reading

The Sun and Moon align at 12 degrees 7 minutes Pisces at 9:36 AM PST. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and rules the last house of a horoscope. It is the last month of Winter, the sign of endings and graduation; tying up the cycle of our last “Solar” year. Pisces represents the review that must be done before rebirth can take place. Then the new year begins again with the sign of Aries at the Vernal Equinox.

Pisces is the fourth and final water sign, breaking the ice before moving into Spring. This sign is so very sensitive, sometimes it can cloud one’s judgment. The energy of this sign is so susceptible to blending with others, it can become undefined and lose itself. Pisces is a Mutable Water sign. The Mutable signs are at the end of a season, and as such are adaptable and ready for change.

Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, feminine and passive energy. It represents the fork in the road between illusion and delusion; the high road or the low road. The low road can be difficult due to escapism, drugs and alcohol, wanting to not be held accountable; whereas the high road can lead to spiritual destinations, wisdom and creativity. The glyph or symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions. It describes the dual nature of this energy; the lower and higher. Pisceans are pulled in two directions, and are constantly challenged with choosing the right path. The greatest use of this energy is to seek spiritual understanding through finding our voice in the real world. To not procrastinate and buckle under pressure. To look for examples in the world to strive for, and to resist the temptation to escape reality and find spirituality in the bottom of a bottle.

This is the “Dreamtime”, the time of year where we look over the past and dream in our future. We look at our shortcomings, our feelings, and our emotions and wish to better ourselves. But, if we see the world through rose colored glasses, as can happen under this sign; we will fail to look at the truth. Likewise, if we see the world through jaundiced eyes, where everything is horrible, we suffer as well. This is a time for clarity, as we climb the ladder of future visions and hopes and dreams.

This time around we have a blessing with the Sun and Moon conjunct Jupiter at 14 degrees Pisces. Jupiter expands the ability to understand others here, as this sign is compassionate, intuitive and sympathetic. With all of these good motives, the opposite action can take place avoiding controversy and difficult situations. Jupiter exaggerates whatever sign it is in; and here we think of the high and the low roads again. This is the sign of the unconscious mind, and if we’re not careful, old habits and programming can kick in and take over. So we must consciously seek the high ground.

The Sun and Moon are sextile Uranus at 11 degrees Taurus. This makes you crave freedom, adventure and excitement. You want to feel free and uninhibited, and might want to do something fresh and new. Creativity comes to mind as both Pisces and Taurus love beauty and harmony. Both signs work together to create an appealing tomorrow, full of color, humor and inspiration. Pisces is a communicator, and Taurus is a life enhancing Earth sign, so anything under the Sun from writing to planting seeds is great now.

Another group of planets are sitting at the same degree and sign while the New Moon arrives. It is Venus, Mars and Pluto, all stationed at 27 degrees Capricorn. WOW! This is very powerful. Venus=values, finances, love. Mars=independence, war, courage. Pluto=transformation, reform, the Phoenix. This is a volatile time for our planet, but with the harmony of Venus and Mars side by side, we have access to our own balance of polarities; yin/yang. Add Pluto and with this harmony we seek release, we surrender to change. Where we cannot control the direction our “leaders” take us, we have authority over how we respond, react, and live our lives. We are sovereign, don’t believe otherwise. See through the illusion of what is being presented to us, and seek the highest truth. Don’t settle for second hand information, do your own research and seek the clarity that each of us deserves.

So, on the New Moon, surround yourself with calm. Bring in your power objects. Set up your altar. Take time to walk down memory lane, and take another look in hindsight of what this last year has taught you. Celebrate the changes in you that this year provided. And dream about what goals you’d like to set for yourself, knowing when Aries comes, it’s go time;)


Judy Crescenzo

For a private session/ astrology chart email Judy!


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