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On April 30th at 1:27 PM PDT the Sun and Moon conjoin at 10 degrees Taurus 28 minutes. Also, there is a Partial Solar Eclipse 15 minutes after the moment of the New Moon! We have an upgrade available to us; through love, purity of purpose, and taking the best of care of ourselves and those around us.

This is the first Eclipse of the year, and with it comes opportunities. When we have a Solar Eclipse, astrologically speaking; it lights the “dark side”, or our known/unknown issues of wherever it lands in our birth chart. The house placement as well as any close in degree planets take on great importance. For instance, in my birth chart this Eclipse will sit in my third house; no planets anywhere close. The 3rd house has to do with siblings, relatives, communications and short distance travel. Also, I consider the bodily effects it may induce, which would include my nervous system, and my thinking abilities. All of this adds up to what is actually taking place in my life the following day, so I get to consider how I can participate in this opportunity for my highest good. Knowledge is power. If you research your own chart you can find where this event will take place (house placement, etc.) and how it will light your way.

Taurus is the first Earth Sign of the zodiac. It is grounded, responsible, dedicated and resourceful. It is a Fixed Sign, landing in the second month of the season of Spring. Taurus is downright stubborn and can be difficult to budge once their mind is made up. But this can be an asset as it keeps the Tauren on task until the end. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. This planet is feminine/passive in its energy, the embodiment of the Roman Goddess, who represents love, beauty, fertility and prosperity. The fine vibration of this planet encourages grace, compassion and devotion.

Consider that whether or not you are a Taurus, we all are influenced by the signs the luminaries and planets are in. We all have 12 houses in our charts, and somewhere in there is Taurus. So, when there is a New Moon, Full Moon, Lunar or Solar Eclipse, we all are being guided to modify ourselves or our behavior somehow. The more we learn about our own blueprints, our birth chart, we can put this information into perspective and expand our awareness of what is being asked of us by our higher self. These are portals of possibilities, depending on how we participate in them! And with every New Moon, it is time to set our intention for what we are creating.

As we look at the planets and their relationships to this event, the Sun and Moon are sextiled by Mars at 11 degrees Pisces. This planet brings a no nonsense approach to the occasion, with confidence and energy, and a willingness to fight for the underdog. Mars in this sign is not ego driven and works well with the luminaries. The Sun and Moon are joined in a close conjunction by Uranus at 14 degrees Taurus. This inspires the unconventional approach, original thinking and a passion for freedom. Unexpected developments, sudden changes and breakthroughs are all part of Uranus’s strategy. In Taurus, again where it lands in your chart is where these improvements can take place.

With the North Node of the Moon in Taurus, and the South Node in Scorpio; these signs will be a recurring theme this year. Taurus=personal values, and Scorpio=values shared with others. It is time to do a wide overview of where you sit in this axis. The world is being affected by these energies and we are all being urged to improve. There is a balance to be struck, where we care equally about our own well being and the success of others. These planets have to do with money and possessions, as well as what provides comfort and nourishment. The issues of sharing versus hoarding, generosity versus manipulation come into play. The highest version of these energies will encourage us to first and foremost take excellent care of ourselves in order to share and provide for others. Wherever you live in fear of lack, get to work. The very notion that you are hopeless brings lack. Look around you for a way out of your own limitations, there couldn’t be a better time to think outside the box for answers. As the world shouts shortages, supply chain issues, high prices, it’s time to prepare. Consider what you will need when this occurs so that you’re not caught off guard. Stock up now.

The simple answer is to find love in your heart for yourself and others. Take a walk in their shoes, look at their chart, and find the source of their actions. Be wise and understanding, keep yourself out of harm's way, but extend your compassion and grow. The knowledge you gain from really knowing yourself and others can only improve your life and take you from judgment to the freedom from prejudice. Understanding what motivates us is enlightening. Take the challenge and set your intention with the balance in mind that we are all here together.

Thank you Judy for your beautiful insight! 💓

For a private session please email:

Judy Crescenzo ✨


On April 16th at 11:55 AM PDT the Sun in Aries opposes the Moon in Libra at 26 degrees 46 minutes. This Full Moon event is an interesting one, with potential for things coming to a head! We are in a very complex and dangerous time in our world, where a Full Moon is all we need! Typically, Full Moons bring out our need for resolution on what was set in motion on the New Moon. The Aries New Moon was a time to set individual goals, considering what YOU really want to happen in your life. Now, the Libra Full Moon steps back to look at the “we”, the “us” that we are part of.

Libra is a Cardinal Air Sign. Cardinal as it begins the first month of autumn, and is the “conflicted leader” who wants everyone to be happy. Libra wants to give everyone a voice when leading a group, and can compromise their own will. This makes it hard for the Libran energy to find its leadership opportunities, as its nature is to seek all sides and at times, take no sides. The air element indicates this is a mental sign, intellectual and psychological. There is a social energy, bent on the more the merrier. But, this Air Sign seeks balance through isolation at times, to recharge and rethink. They are so mental and fair, at times they go around in circles trying to make a decision. This can be overcome through discipline and courage.

Venus rules Libra, and this femine energy seeks harmony, beauty, and justice. Venus is the planet that indicates what we value, be it people, possessions, health, money or whatever matters most. Libra is an active/positive polarity, but its ruling planet is passive/negative. Thus, the need for balance with this sign. The glyph for Libra is the scales in balance. It shows us our need for relationships and functioning well within them.

So on this occasion the Sun and Full Moon are both square Pluto creating a Cardinal T-Square. Pluto, at 28 degrees Capricorn stirs it up with a challenge to these already challenged luminaries. The push and pull of these Cardinal energies leads to the tendency to resort to rebellion, and hopefully transformation. These three all want a voice here; the Sun in Aries/self, the Moon in Libra/us in relationship with others, and Pluto in Capricorn/death and rebirth. These passions are released through full communications and a hunger for understanding and being understood. We have been fed stories from one or another side, very different from each other, just what is happening in our world. Periscope that into your personal life, in that the solution is honesty and compassion for every soul. Start at home, start with your most personal relationships and see if they’re in balance or not. See if you lean to one or another polarity, and seek your footing. The time is ripe.

Jupiter and Neptune are conjoined at 24 degrees Pisces. The good news is these planets will shower us with goodwill and generosity, and will encourage us to be considerate and loving to our fellow neighbors and family. We can listen more intently and be heard as well. The not so good news is it can cloud our judgment in Pisces. We may see the broad strokes much clearer than the details, which can get us in trouble. We can be more gullible and misled. Stay grounded and allow this lofty power to rub off the rough edges in any conflicts. Open your heart up to compromise, release yourself from preconceived notions, and do the right thing.

On the West Coast, this happens mid-day, and deserves a lovely setting and lunch break;) Beauty is the theme as the flowers begin to bloom and their fragrance is noticeable. Take a moment to align yourself and breathe deep. Imagine how you can make your world more lovely which will inspire you to smile more. Whatever your goal was at the New Moon in Aries, expand it out beyond yourself to include those that you love. Hold the image in your heart of everyone transforming into their highest version, following their creativity in whatever form it takes. Like the garden, plant the seeds you wish to harvest later after the work and nurturing it takes to be successful.

This Full Moon gives us the opportunity to balance our relationships with a loving heart. Be the change you wish to see in the world, from the inside out. We hope that these energies inspire those in power to do the right thing. Celebrate this day with everything that is important to you.

🙏 Judy Crescenzo

For a private reading, email Judy

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On March 31st at 11:26 PM PST, we have our second New Moon of the Month. This one is in the sign of Aries stationed with the Sun at 11 degrees Aries 31 minutes. We are in the new Solar year; cycles upon cycles continue to inspire and affect us.

Aries is the sign of the self. At this time we are looking at ourselves and thinking, what do I REALLY WANT IN LIFE? At this new beginning we consider all the things we wished for and what has become of it. Are we desiring old dreams that no longer exist or working on improving what is? The energy of Aries is strong, and wants to do away with all the things that are NOT our hearts desire through conflict and power struggles. But here, we have a choice to make. What really works and what doesn’t when we stand up for ourselves and follow our hearts?

Aries is a Cardinal Fire Sign. Cardinal as it begins the season of Spring, and a leader due to its nature. The Fire element is charged with passion and enthusiasm like a child’s curiosity. It is ruled by the planet Mars, the God of War. Mars is male/positive polarity and likes a good fight. When well directed, this spark can lend great courage, a hero’s temperament, confidence and leadership. Badly directed can bring disharmony, selfishness, arrogance and mischeif. The glyph for Aries is The Ram; they plow with their horns to expose the food beneath the surface, the sprouts that lie below, to feed their family. So the Ram represents breaking the surface to be nourished and fed.

To strive for the highest use of this energy would be to have the strength and courage to fight for whatever ideal, cause, person that you believe in. To be willing to speak your mind with calm authority rather than impulsively. To learn to listen to others in order to be the best leader. And, to pioneer new horizons that others fear to tread. We have assistance here with Mercury in Aries at 9 degrees, conjunct the Sun and Moon. Together they are encouraging us to be our true selves and commit ourselves to knowing we are in process. We are becoming what we seek to be, all the while patiently reviewing ourselves and those we associate with in order to grow. Things don’t happen overnight, but if we plant the seeds and nurture their growth, we will see positive results.

At this time Mars, Saturn and Venus are conjunct each other in Aquarius. This is a social sign, unlike Aries, and drives us to reach out to our communities and unite with others with similar ideals. Doing creative work or artistic work can satisfy the very strong desire for love and beauty that you feel at this time. You are very serious about reaching your goals and feel that keeping your nose to the grindstone is the only way to do it. Hard work, persistent effort, and concentration upon a single objective are the ways to achieve your goals at this time.

Jupiter and Neptune are conjoined in Pisces. The conjunction inspires an expansive view of our everyday life; seeing the bigger picture. We are here together on planet Earth, going through a metamorphosis in so many ways. What can we do with this life we’ve been given? That is the question.

The New Moon is about setting new intentions, new targets and objectives. The idea is you set it, you get it. If that hasn’t worked for you before, consider the goals you set, and whether or not they were for your highest good. In hindsight we can see where one step led to the next and how they revealed our lessons along the way. Life is a surprise, just when you think you’ve got it figured out, something new comes along to deal with. But we are in a schoolhouse, learning about what we signed up for on the other side. Our birth chart shows us what we came here to learn about, so I see it as a blueprint for this life. The more conscious we are of our own blueprint, the better we can climb the ladder to our highest version.

Dream the big dream and put one foot in front of the other. Make yourself proud by doing more to improve the life you have, while dreaming of the life you seek.


Judy Crescenzo

email Jody for a private session


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