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This year, 2023, began with a Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th, and is ending with the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th at 4:33 PM PST. Cancer is the sign ruled by the Moon, so symbolically this has been a very emotional year! We have been through so much that has tested our inner calm and beliefs of what is and what isn’t true. Now it is time to check in with our internal landscape to see where we’ve come.

Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign, which begins Summer, as Capricorn begins Winter. This is the most precious Water sign, as it rules the home, family and our ancestors. Its energy is governed by feelings and instincts, or body knowledge. Cancer senses what is necessary; they read between the lines and hear the message from within it. Cancer is a feminine/passive energy; receptive, yet with the cardinal energy, it leads. Just days after the Winter Solstice we are now seeing the results of the plans, hopes and wishes cast on the New Moon in Cancer back on July 17th of this year.

Some may have prayed for inner resolve, for a feeling of being in control when all the world seems to have authority over our lives. We have been challenged to hold our own dominion in the wake of governments and the powers that are taking away our choices. We have watched as some wish to alienate us from each other, to divide us, to separate us. But now we have a second chance to see through the tears just how we don’t have to believe it. When we have a Full Moon in Cancer we can clearly see our own power as leaders in our lives, and quiet the storm we perceive in the world.

The opportunity is here for us to take back our power. My advice to you is don’t believe everything you see or hear in the news, the internet, from the naysayers that are unhappy with their lives. If we dig deep into our souls we realize this world is a school, possibly an illusion set up for us to learn in. We come here to share experiences with other souls in our unique environment of free will. We are the players on life’s stage, each with a different reason for being here. Some may believe they are caught up in Karma, but I’ve been told we are moving into a new dimension of truth. One that isn’t bent on what was, but what can be. The rules of the game is to let go. Let go of the past, let go of our old selves and reach higher up the ladder to find ourselves in a new domain. In this new world we can align with humanity, see that we aren’t so different from each other with our basic needs. It is a world of love and compassion versus one of hate and destruction.

On this Full Moon we have some help. The Moon in Cancer is sextile Jupiter at 5 degrees Taurus.This aspect encourages us to be easygoing, agreeable, and tolerant, willing to overlook others' mistakes, forget the past, and begin again on a positive note.

You will enjoy making others comfortable and happy, through your generosity. You may feel that "everything will turn out all right no matter what I do", and so become lazy and lackadaisical, but KNOW that your efforts to make peace will win out. The Full Moon is also trine Saturn at 2 degrees Taurus giving us an inner poise and balance that enables us to act in a cool, efficient manner during emotional traumas and stress. You can keep perspective and objectivity about highly charged emotional issues - sometimes to the chagrin of others who might wish that you would react more intensely. You are quietly supported and faithful to your friends and loved ones.

Venus in Scorpio is trine Neptune in Pisces at this time. This benefic aspect helps us to be more sensitive and compassionate; tending to be the "giver" in any relationship. You have high ideals and a refined attitude towards love, seeking to relate in ways that are beyond ego needs and selfishness.

With the planets and luminaries steering us toward love and empathy, we can step out of the drama life is presenting, and make things simple. Feed each other good meals, good conversations, and share love and light like the Great Spirit that dwells within us. Be as a Mother to her flock, caring and doing what is necessary for the well being of those she loves. After all, we are all children here on the planet, learning as we go, and if we open our hearts to each other and play nicely it will be a lot more fun;)

Blessings to us all now and always. Keep your mind on the prize; harmony and good will. We can all share this world and declare an armistice in our own life, in the hope it radiates out to All That Is.

Always grateful for the magical Judy! To connected with Judy email and go follow her!

Judy Crescenzo

Skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon

On December 21st at 7:27 PM PST the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn at 0 degrees 0 minutes. This is the last cardinal sign of the Solar year, setting us up for the next three months of the Winter season. Each and every year this is a new beginning, a time of reimagining a future we want to be alive in. And because this is a Cardinal Earth sign, we look to our planet and our relationship with it. Are we in service to her, or working against her?

This is a magnificent time to be alive as we came here to make a difference. A change in our way of seeing the world and our place in it, as well as looking at the biggest picture of what our Mother Earth is experiencing in tandem with that. She is going through a rebirth, but first we must see what needs to be done that we can be part of. You may believe you can’t do anything that will make a difference to the betterment of man/woman kind, but we all can. Here’s how to figure out your mission.

Consciously speaking, those who read this are meant to. That is how life works. If something is brought to our attention, we can take it or leave it, but it is meant to make us aware of our choices in life. At this magnificent moment in life, we are all being escorted to our highest version in order to be of service. The synchronicities of how life is unfolding for us, the moments of deja vu, the recognition of those we meet and feel a kinship with are all acclerating. The whispers from our inner counsel are becoming louder. We are entering the “Dreamtime” season, where we slow down our physical selves and open ourselves to the inner work. Know thyself is the way.

So just how do we “know” ourselves? There are many tools available for this, from meditation, deep hypnotherapy, looking at our astrological chart, to studying metaphysics and subjects that take us to seeing things differently. Rather than feeling trapped here in an ugly world, we look to Spirit for answers. And the answers are given to us to calm the seas of change to see what the Divine purpose is. You may come to learn you “chose” to be here at this time, as we are going through a tremendous transformation as humans. We are moving at light speed into new technologies, new opportunities for changing how we live in our world. Our jobs are to pay attention, and not feel like a victim of our existence.

On this Winter Solstice we have a combination of luminaries and planets here to help us. The Moon is stationed at 0 degrees Taurus, which trines the Sun in Capricorn exactly. This is an Earth Trine, bringing us into action for organizing our physical well being and grounding our approach to life. Earth signs are the performers on life’s stage to show others how it is done. There is a balance when the Sun and Moon are in this aspect to each other. You feel that you have the support of your family or others in your environment for your creative efforts and personal goals, which enables you to act with confidence. Mercury is retrograde at this time, as it began on December 13th and will last through the end of the year. Typically when it goes retrograde we have issues with computers, electronics, communications and travel. So rather than putting our energy into attempting to accomplish things in a speedy successful way, we need to keep in mind patience and again the “bigger picture" Mercury is 1 degree from the Sun in Capricorn where its influence is felt in the need for constant mental stimulation and activity. It is trine the Moon encouraging you to be an excellent teacher or counselor for you will listen sympathetically, and encourage others to express their inner thoughts and feelings. People will trust and confide in you, and you will be able to read between the lines and to sense what their feelings are as well as what they are saying. You can work well with and understand women, and the emotional at this time.

Also, the Sun trines Jupiter at 5 degrees Taurus, as it conjoins the Moon as well. You have big aspirations but do not need to struggle or labor to achieve them. Your self-confidence and inner harmony will attract success and benefits to you in an almost magical way. Your optimism and cheerful generosity also can win you many allies and successes in life.

The Moon makes for tolerance and forgiveness, always ready to overlook mistakes and give others a second chance. You expect the best from people and can draw it out of them, as you’ll enjoy making others comfortable and happy. Because of your emotional generosity, your life can be rich with friends, and often financial blessings as well.

So with this abundance of loving presence from ALL THAT IS, we can slip our consciousness into unity, oneness and compassion for all that we as humanity and our loving Mother Earth that supports our very existence is going through. We are all souls of the greater mission, that of becoming what we were truly meant to be. So strive for all that is right and resist falling into destructive patterns of hate and anger.On my channel on YouTube and Patreon I have shared for free Journey’s that can uplift your spirit and help you to understand why you are here and what you came to do! Let’s all do our part to make this world a better place to be in, no matter what you are told by those who aren’t here to assist humanity but to destroy our mission. Be the change you wish to see in our world, and one by one we will make a difference.

Judy Crescenzo

Come visit Skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon

12/12/23 at 3:31 PM PST the Sun and Moon align at 20 degrees Sagittarius 40 minutes. This is a moment that marks a new beginning of possibilities, and with this New Moon we can shoot our arrows higher and higher!

Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire Sign and is the last month of Autumn. The changes are upon us with the weather turning colder, most of the leaves have fallen from the gloriously colored trees, and Winter is on its way. This Fire sign is full of energy and creativity, and we can all use a dose of that now. There is a lot to accomplish here in the last month of the year, and thank goodness Sagittarius supports us!

As always, when we have a New Moon it’s time to set new intentions, goals and wishes. And the best way to do that and have it “stick” is to work with the existing energies of the sign. Sagittarius rules expansion; of the mind, heart and soul. We have the opportunity to gather our wits and step outside our comfort zone, reaching higher than at other times. This is the sign of higher learning, of seeking communion and connection with ALL THAT IS. Now is the best time to seek guidance through meditation, contemplation, and to gather with those of like mind to seek and relate information that can help each other. Reading and studying spiritual subjects now is a great way to add to our abilities. This is an extremely creative sign, if you can dream it up, you can make it happen!

Whether your creativity is art, music, or otherwise, we all have access to greater inspiration. The adventurous side of our spirit is ignited by this fire sign, and we are prone to take a risk to fulfill our desires.

On this New Moon the Sun and Moon are in a wide conjunction to Mars at 13 degrees Sagittarius. Mars is the planet of power and war, personally affecting us on this occasion with determination and a willingness to fight for what we want. Pity the poor soul who tries to stop another individual from doing their mission, whatever it may be!

I say, stand by and watch as others fulfill their dreams;) Rather than be adversarial, reach into your wheelhouse for a project, materials you may have purchased before but never put to good use. However small or large your design is, take this moment to conceive of its completion. Then get started on it like a child with a new toy.

Also The Sun and Moon are inconjunct Uranus at 19 degrees Taurus. This aspect calls for adjustments. Uranus is unafraid of change, thrives on it really, and opens the door to something new. You can channel tremendous creative energy now, or feel the tension, pressure and anxiety this moment provides. It’s calling for you to be brave, to stop making excuses and do what is necessary, or it will shake you up one way or another to see where you are falling short. No longer time to put off what needs doing today. The

New Moon’s influence steers toward women in your life you may need to bring about a correction with, and this Fire Sign can tend to be a rough communicator in dealing with old frustrations. So sprinkle a little sugar on your conversations and watch the changes begin.

Also, the Sun and Moon are square Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces. This accentuates the Spiritual possibilities, the higher raiment we can wear to achieve our deepest dreams. Again, we are provided deep spiritual aspirations and yearnings. Allow this energy to wash over you and inspire your biggest dreams. This is the season of love and family, of sharing with those who need help, and giving to others. Be one with the season, make your list of goals and hopes and wishes now. Fill your mind with goodness and mercy for our world, our universe, and all the souls who fill it. Blessings to us all this holiday season!

💫We are so grateful to have Judy share with us her wisdom! For a private session or more from Judy, please email and follow her💫

Judy Crescenzo

Skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon!!

PS my gift to you are the Journeys on these sites


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