On January 13th at 2:27 PM PST we have our first Full Moon of the year in the sign of Cancer. With the Sun in the sign of Capricorn, this sign is opposite this luminary. These are both Cardinal signs; Capricorn begins Winter, and Cancer begins Summer.
But Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign, different and opposite of Capricorn in many ways, but they both share the concern for stability. Cancer is all about feelings, home and family, Mother that gives birth and sustenance to the creation, whether it be human, animal, plant, or otherwise. Cancer is the first water sign of the Solar year; an energy governed by instincts, or body knowledge. Cancer senses what is necessary; reading between the lines and hearing the message from within it. Cancer is a feminine/passive energy; receptive, yet with the cardinal energy, it leads. Like the Mother in a family, she is a different leader than the Father, yet she leads.
This Full Moon reminds us of our relationship with our past, our memories, as well as home and family matters. The Cancer Full Moon invites us to reflect on what brings us a source of reliability, and how we are drawn to create feelings of a secure life. The Full Moon in Cancer is going to be conjunct retrograde Mars, sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, and in opposition to Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. Around this time, we will be required to confront unresolved emotions from our past, gain awareness of the root of our triggers, recognize the impact of unmet needs from our childhood, and let go of patterns and habits that don’t support our well-being.
When the Full Moon is conjunct Mars at 27 degrees Cancer, you may feel that you must always be DOING something, and become impatient and irritable if you have to slow down or wait for anything. A stormy home life may be the result of your own tendency to fight for what you want, rather than compromise. Meditate on the best use of your energy now.
Uranus at 23 degrees Taurus sextiles the Full Moon. You’ll feel uninhibited and spontaneous and can do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their ruts. You’ll crave emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises, and anything new. You love to feel free with this influence, and can create safe boundaries for yourself.
The Full Moon is trine Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces. The beauty and harmony of your surroundings have a very powerful effect on your emotions now. You’ll feel very sensitive and cannot stand to be in an atmosphere where there is discord or dissonance. You will feel more gentle, kind hearted, and peace-loving; you will give or sacrifice much in order to avoid a fight and to "make everyone happy". This will help with the reactive nature of the Moon conjunct Mars.
And Pluto is opposite the Full Moon at 1 degree Aquarius. Your feelings can become so urgent and compelling that you do things that are not rational. You may undergo periodic emotional upheavals and purging, when you must break all ties, release the past and begin anew.
On January 11, 2025, 3:01 PM PST the North and South nodes will enter the Virgo/Pisces axis, after traveling through Libra and Aries since July 2023. They are going to spend the upcoming year and a half in these signs. The South Node in Virgo is here to help us release the excessive need for control, perfectionism, and rigid planning, while still appreciating the value of order, organization, and practical effort. The North Node in Pisces highlights the importance of learning to flow, trusting in Divine timing, and surrendering to Life’s unfolding. The Nodes’ journey through Virgo and Pisces ultimately reminds us that the spiritual and the mundane aren’t separate: they are deeply intertwined. This transit gives us a chance to unite our spiritual practice into our daily lives, seeing all that we do we can do with spiritual intent.
Judy Crescenzo
Thank you, Judy, for your wisdom. If you would like to inquire about a session, please find Judy's contact information below.
judy@skypatterns.com, skypatterns also on YouTube and Patreon