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The Summer Solstice 2023

This year the first day of Summer and the longest day/shortest night of the year begins at 7:58 AM PDT on June 21st. Let’s get this party started!

There are many articles explaining what happens on this occasion; basically the Sun travels along its northernmost path in the sky. The North Pole is at its maximum tilt, and the Earth’s axis is pointed directly toward our Sun. This day provides us the most light, the thinnest veil to access Spirit in the most profound way. It leads with the longest day of the year, the brightest, most hopeful time, when the sprouts have sprouted and life is growing stronger every day.

For centuries people have gathered to celebrate this day as the return of the light of the Sun. It promised to give our crops what they need to grow, and likewise it provides humanity with that light as well. We have an opportunity on this day to join our intent and energy with the world’s people through prayer, feasts, bonfires, singing and dancing the new season into being. The sign that is responsible for this is Cancer, at 0 degrees 0 minutes. This is the sign of Mother, the home, family and nurturing. This Cardinal Water Sign is powerful, a leader by all rights, leading us into the Summer season.

This year the Sun is sextiled by the North Node at 1 degree Taurus 7 minutes setting up a special opportunity for us all. The Sun and North Node point us to our mission for this lifetime, where we are to shine and excel. With this blessed aspect comes hope and energy provided to us to get our act together. Sometimes in life we may feel the deck is stacked against us, keeping us from realizing our full potential. But here we have a gift providing we accept it and take it to the next level. Just think; Mother Earth provides for us a full cornucopia of support, but we have to apply it to our life by eating, bathing, growing and learning. Are you satisfied with what your life is providing you, or can you take it a step further? This is the moment to dream big dreams, step out into the light and show our talents and skills in the best ways we can.

So how do we do this? You may wish to gather together with like minded souls, family and friends, and honor what is being given to us. Look to the sky that sends us its solar energy and bask in it. Many set up celebrations with delicious food, music, singing and dancing to elevate ourselves. We commemorate those who came before us who looked at this day as the return of the Sun to shine its greatest light upon us. It’s about gratitude for all that is provided for us.

On this day the Moon, Venus and Mars are all in the sign of Leo. This makes for an even greater opportunity as this sign sees itself as unlimited; the King of the Jungle, powerful and strong. It represents the Father in the Zodiac, the leader of the pack. So between the Mother energy of Cancer, and the Father energy of Leo we have a balance of power. After all, we are all built to display our male/female selves, right and left brain in harmony and working together to create the best outcome with confidence and appreciation. Allow yourself to feel powerful and strong, then light the fire of your soul to move forward on your mission, whatever it is. Goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life if we apply ourselves to the greatest good for all. But first, we must believe we deserve this. So on this occasion take the time out of your day or night to first have a moment of silence to gather your thoughts about just how fortunate we all are, then party hearty! Let the world and your guides and the angels bask in your light. Attract the highest energies to work for you and with you to accomplish your greatest goals, and set the intention fear will no longer rule the day, but confidence in yourself will pay you back with the greatest outcome you could hope for.

Judy Crescenzo

PS I now have two web channels;

Skypatterns on YouTube and Skypatterns on Patreon. Please come for a visit and a journey!

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