On April 23rd at 4:48 PM PDT the Sun and Moon oppose each other; the Sun is at 4 degrees Taurus 18 minutes, and the Moon at 4 degrees Scorpio 18 minutes. This Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful one, as it is celebrated as Wesak! The Scorpio Full Moon marks the celebration of the Buddha’s Moon – a time to recall the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha. Wesak Day is a Holy Day for Buddhists. In fact, it is considered the holiest day in the Buddhist Calendar.
Let us look back to when the Moon was new in Scorpio last year, on November 13, 2023. This was a time of setting goals related to the Moon and its energies. Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign; fixed as it lands in the middle of the Autumn season, and in the sensitive Water sign with the deepest potentials. During a Scorpio Full Moon, emotions are heightened and there will likely be a focus on matters related to power, control, intimacy and hidden truths. What were you hoping for when the Moon was new in Scorpio? Did it have to do with sovereignty, with your authority over your life and how it unfolds? Or possibly finances as Scorpio energy is concerned with ambition and fulfillment?
Maybe it was about intimacy and relationships? Passion is a keyword for Scorpio, and taking the high road or low road to arrive at your desired destination is so important. Due to the deep nature of this sign, the most illustrious desire is to be one with Spirit.
On this occasion the Sun, Moon and Pluto at 2 degrees Aquarius create a Fixed T-Square. With a Fixed T-Square, people will be too focused on not changing or breaking habits. They can also be stuck in the past and not willing to move forward. To unlock the potential of the T-Square, we focus on the planets that are in the middle of the storm. These planets square two different signs and have the most potent energy. Knowing how to use that energy in their favor will enable us to push ahead. The middle planet is Pluto in Aquarius.
This planet tells us there is a strong emotional need to cooperate and unite together. Aquarius is about team players and united action. Clashes in political ideologies are critical now, and unfortunately, as we know from history, there can be considerable damage and harm arising from a clash of large organizations or governments. On a personal level, Pluto is asking us for transformation regarding the “me” versus “we.” Astrologers are bracing themselves for individual change and change on a global scale. That's because Aquarius is an air sign unafraid of radical shifts and leaps. In fact, Aquarius welcomes change, knowing that it leads to progress. So we can all do our parts on this notable Buddha Moon by seeing each other as family, friends and one with humanity.
While Mercury continues to go retrograde in the sign of Aries, we are in a bit of a holding pattern until it goes direct on April 25th. This allows us to contemplate and take time to rethink our resolve, to imagine a greater outcome to our life and our goals. We can really see what it is we wanted our lives to become and how to go about making the needed changes with ourselves in mind. Aries is the “me” in the puzzle, a sign of childlike imagination that isn’t afraid of what lies ahead. Now is the opportunity to take hold of the reins in your life and be brave. Don’t allow these fixed signs to keep you stuck in the past; look toward the future and all of the possibilities with optimism and hope for a bright tomorrow.
Thank you so much Judy!!!!!
To have a private session please contact -
Judy Crescenzo
judy@skypatterns, and skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon