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New Moon in Virgo 2024

Writer's picture: Jennifer SchaeferJennifer Schaefer

On September 2nd at 6:54 PM PDT the Sun and Moon align at 11 degrees Virgo 4 minutes. While the Sun is ruling the day and influencing outward expression, the Moon rules the tides and the night, guiding our emotional inner selves. Here they work together for this moment in time. We have the opportunity now to set the course for our new goals and wishes to manifest with the help of this sign.

Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign. All Mutable signs occur in the last month of a season, leading into the next. With Virgo, it is the last month of Summer, and the beginning of Autumn. It makes its visible appearance in the changing colors of the leaves and angle of the sunlight. This Earth sign is grounded, practical, and of service. We see this time of year as the harvest, and Virgo in Egyptian mythology marked the beginning of the wheat harvest, thus linking Virgo to the wheat grain.

This sign is concerned with physical/emotional/mental health, our work, and how well we work with others. It isn’t a sign that seeks center stage, but is happy to work alongside others and get a job done well. This energy seeks perfection, and can be highly critical of themselves and others. It is judgemental in that it desires to correct that which can be improved upon. Those born under this sign are the helpers of the zodiac, willing and ready to help those who need it.

So in looking at what to set our sights on, if we work with this sign’s energies we are most apt to be successful. The big question is, how can we be of service? If we are dealing with health issues, we can research like no other now, using our Mercury ruled intellect along with our intuition. The key with this sign is caring, as Virgo is so concerned with everyone's welfare. It is a very unselfish energy, so another way to help might be a food drive for those less fortunate. Or possibly helping an elder who needs a clean house. You’d find there is much to learn from those who’ve lived through more years of experience, no matter who they are. Allow your heart to open and to bloom with love for all of humanity. Don’t squander this opportunity going down the rabbit hole of criticism and judgment which this sign can propose.

On this New Moon the Sun and Moon are opposed by Saturn at 16 degrees Pisces. This aspect can feel like a wet blanket. Feelings of personal inadequacy, inhibitions, and self-doubt can plague you. You may tend to work and struggle more than you need to, and to take yourself too seriously. Where the Sun in Virgo is modest and concerned with excellence, this can make it difficult. The Moon in Virgo is very sensitive to criticism and easily feels left out or neglected, and though you may appear cool or distant, you actually care very much about being included.

So rather than wallow in “oh woe is me” with Saturn opposite the Sun and Moon, step outside yourself and look around you. What can you improve upon? This sign is an organizer and whether or not it’s your home, garden, or the world we all can do something. Clean it up, Virgo would say;) How are you or your loved ones feeling? Maybe make a pot of soup to help heal what ails you. Whose day can you brighten? Random acts of kindness will improve your well being. Set a path for self improvement, concerning yourself with knowing you are what you eat. Surround yourself with a beautiful and positive environment. And remember, you are the sibling of all those in the world, with the common goal of being the best that we can be.

Thank you Judy, if you want to connect with Judy….

Judy Crescenzo skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon

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