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💓 As we embrace the month of February, traditionally associated with love and connection, let's embark on a profound journey together. This month, join me in the "Self-Love Sanctuary," a curated exploration that invites you to fall deeply in love with yourself. Through transformative techniques and sacred rituals I'll be sharing in my weekly video's, we'll delve into nurturing your emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies, creating a sanctuary of self-love within that will be lasting!

Emotional Self-Love Techniques:

Begin your journey by cultivating a deeper connection with your emotional landscape. We will take the time and understand what it means to be compassionate and how to appreciate ourselves. Together let's explore rituals that celebrate our achievements, both big and small, fostering a positive and nurturing emotional environment. Let February be a month of falling in love with the unique and wonderful person you are.

Spiritual Self-Love Explorations:

Tap into the spiritual dimensions of self-love through transformative practices and focusing on your inner fire! We will work on igniting your connection to your inner self. Incorporate rituals such as sacred journaling, where we will explore our spiritual aspirations and celebrate our inner strengths. Let the sanctuary of self-love be a space where your spirit feels cherished and uplifted.

Physical Self-Love Practices:

Cherish our physical vessel through practices that honor and celebrate our body and "who we are". Engage in movement practices such as yoga or dance, allowing your body to express itself freely and lovingly. Create a self-care routine that indulges our senses and promotes physical well-being. Explore rituals like mindful bathing or nourishing our body with wholesome, love-infused foods. Let February be a month of embracing and adoring the physical embodiment of our unique self.

Throughout the "Self-Love Sanctuary" journey, my expert instructors will guide you in crafting a holistic sanctuary that harmonizes your emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies. Join us in the celebration of falling in love with yourself, creating a foundation of well-being and self-nurturing that will resonate far beyond February.

💓💓Remember to join my IG Tuesday morning LIVE guided healing meditation at 6am pst where I will be guiding you through each sacred step!

With love and warmth,

Jennifer 💓

On January 25th at 9:54 AM PST the Moon is Full in the sign of Leo. As with every Full Moon, we look in the past to see what we were hoping for when the Moon was New in that sign. This occurred August 16th of last year, 2023. Just what were you hoping for?

Leo is a Fixed Fire Sign; it occurs as the second month of the Summer season, making it “Fixed”. It means when the sign is solid, pure to its energy. Not coming or going, it indicates that it reflects the true energy of the sign. The Fire element is powerful, igniting our senses and will. The energy is strong, regal, with a sense of authority, usually well deserved. Or so they think. Leos are the heart of the zodiac, and can be very loving and generous. Leo‘s energy is very creative, ardent in love, full of drama and uninhibited behavior at its best. It can be over the top, when too bold and pushy. At its worst, Leo‘s energy can be fickle, selfish, and touchy. At its best, shining bright like the Sun in everything they do.

While it was the sign of the New Moon, wishes and hopes for all things Leo were available. It rules romance, creativity, strength and passion. It controls the 5th house of all of our charts, and shows us personally how we feel about ourselves in these areas of our lives. At this time of the year we are either generous or jealous of other’s success. We can be involved in our greatest creations and wish for recognition, or wounded due to lack of appreciation. So a typical wish during this New Moon is one that our ego puts forward. Look back and see what you were trying to accomplish. Has it come to fruition?

That is what we learn now, how did we do? Did we succeed, or do we need to look at the situation with a fresh take? Some might feel their will was blocked due to the state of the world at that time. The truth may be things on planet Earth are changing so rapidly that our efforts were from another time. A time prior when life wasn’t so challenging. It is important now to elevate our activities into a new format, one of seeing things as they are now versus the past.

And with this Full Moon we have planets setting us up. The first is a square to Jupiter at 6 degrees Taurus. You will have a lighthearted and cheerful disposition and reach out to others in a warm, open, friendly way. Your emotional generosity and lack ofpettiness will serve you well among your circle of friends, and people may seek you out for help, sympathy, or advice. You will be willing to overlook others' faults, and you may overdo your charitableness. Keep this in check at this time and make sure it isn’t manipulation.

There is opposition to Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. You’ll have intense desires and

feelings at this time, and your personal relationships can feel deeply emotional, passionate, and often stormy and painful as well. There are powerful magnetic ties between yourself and those you care about, and you could become emotionally obsessed with another person. Your feelings can become so urgent and compelling that you do things that are not rational. You may undergo emotional upheavals and purging, where you must break all ties, release the past and begin anew. This is the planet of transformation, so you won’t likely just sit idly by.

Look at your goals and don’t play the blame game. It is easier to hold others or situations responsible for your lack of success, but remember we are all here together on the playing field, and we need each other to win the game. Take your place in the line up, see clearly what your strengths and talents are, and don’t try to do it alone. We need each other to support our fondest wishes, a little give and take. Stubbornness is rampant with this sign, so consider becoming more open minded and hearted. Seek the recognition you deserve for a job well done, and put your best foot forward. We all are special in some way, and now is the time to celebrate that.

Always grateful to Judy for her guidance and wisdom! For a 1:1 session email and follow her accounts!!!!

Judy Crescenzo

Also on YouTube and Patreon at skypatterns

Want step by step rituals for the moon phases? Sign up for our newsletter!

On 1/11/24 at 3:57 AM PST we have our first New Moon of the Year! It is stationed at 20 degrees Capricorn 44 minutes. We have a lot to look forward to if we play our cards right.

Capricorn is the last Cardinal sign of the Solar Year, as it began Winter on the Solstice. This Earth sign is all about achievement, career, and who we came here to be. It is a sign of plotting our way on the Earth plane, dreaming up our best version and taking it to the world. This sign is committed to shining like a jewel, dedicating energies to an elevated purpose of our own making. Capricorn is the master manifestor. The key words for Capricorn are “I Use”, and this resourcefulness is their key to success. The Goat is the symbol for Capricorn as it climbs up steep passages to find sustenance and what it needs to survive.

This is the perfect New Moon to start our year by taking a moment to write down our goals and plans for our new year ahead. This sign supports our worldly version, from what we do to make ends meet to what we envision our future can become. We have been through the rock tumbler of life in the last years, learning things we didn’t even know existed before, as we trusted what we were told. It is a time to formulate our own truth through investigating all sides of the issues presented to us. With this comes personal power.

So what have you been creating that maybe didn’t work out? Dreams of making it big as an artist, musician, actor, politician....that hasn’t come to fruition? Or maybe just a simple goal such as not struggling every day? We are at a turning point on this planet. Things are changing. When I was young trying to get ahead as a singer, you had to get a label behind you to make it. Now, we have recording studios in our homes, with the ability to record full albums. Technology is moving at lightning speed, so the dreamer has a new canvas to paint on. Looking at what is available to create upon currently can only improve with time. Consider this when creating your list of hopes, wishes and dreams.

The Sun and Moon share the same degree of Capricorn which trines Uranus at 19 degrees Taurus. The unusual and unorthodox will appeal to you now; craving freedom, adventure, excitement, and discovery. Uranus is the planet that rattles our cage if we are limited. You’ll feel uninhibited and spontaneous and may do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their ruts. When planets and luminaries support change it’s much easier to “go with the flow” than at other times, so be fearless.

These luminaries also sextile Neptune at 25 degrees Pisces. Neptune in its home sign brings spirituality and creativity to the mix. You can dream into reality your aspirations and your ideal life. Again, New Moons are the time of setting new goals, and in Capricorn you can ground it in a higher frequency with Neptune’s help. So rather than look behind you at what you’ve tried to accomplish, look forward with a fresh take on the world as it is, and what you can do to add your magic. This is a good time for writing, contemplating and investigating different approaches to make your dreams a reality.

If you find yourself up in the wee hours, a good way to bring in this energy is with a healing bath, as Capricorn rules the skin on our bodies. Light some candles, surround yourself with peace through fragrance, music; whatever brings you joy. Then reconsider your list of plans with harmony and a calm spirit, believing you deserve every bit of it. Because you do.

So grateful Judy! Thank you for sending us your magic!

Judy Crescenz


skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon

RITUAL: 🌙♑️🌙

Aligning your new moon ritual with the astrological and energetic influences of the Capricorn new moon, and connecting it with the root chakra, can be a powerful way to ground your intentions and initiate practical changes. Capricorn is associated with ambition, discipline, and structure, while the root chakra governs your sense of security and stability. Here's a ritual tailored for the Capricorn new moon connected to the root chakra:

Materials Needed:

  1. Red or Black Candle: These colors are associated with the root chakra and can enhance grounding energy.

  2. Paper and Pen: For writing down your intentions.

  3. Crystals: Choose crystals that resonate with both Capricorn energy (such as garnet or onyx) and the root chakra (like red jasper or hematite).

  4. Salt or Earth: Symbolizing grounding and stability.

  5. Quiet Space: Find a comfortable and quiet space for your ritual.


  1. Cleanse Your Space: Begin by cleansing your space using salt or earth, and consider smudging with sage or incense to clear the energy.

  2. Set Up Your Altar: Arrange your candle, crystals, and paper on your altar. Consider placing the crystals in a triangle shape, representing the earth element and stability.

  3. Light the Candle: Light the red or black candle, focusing on the flame and visualizing grounding energy flowing into your space.

  4. Connect with Your Root Chakra: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize a red light at the base of your spine, connecting you to the earth. Feel this energy grounding you and providing a sense of security.

  5. Write Your Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down practical and ambitious intentions related to your career, finances, and long-term goals. Use strong, affirmative language.

  6. Charge Your Intentions: Hold the paper in your hands and visualize the red or black candle's flame infusing your intentions with stability, discipline, and determination.

  7. Meditate: Sit quietly and meditate on your intentions. Picture yourself achieving your goals and feeling secure in your endeavors. Allow the energy of the root chakra to flow through you.

  8. Express Gratitude: Express gratitude for the stable foundation in your life and the opportunities ahead. Acknowledge the support you receive from the earth and the universe.

  9. Close the Ritual: Blow out the candle, symbolizing the completion of your ritual. Trust that your intentions are set and that you are grounded in your path.

  10. Keep the Paper: Place the paper with your intentions in a secure location. You can revisit it during the lunar cycle to track your progress and reinforce your commitment.

Remember, rituals are personal, so feel free to adapt this one to resonate with your energy and intentions.


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