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On February 16th, 2022 the Full Moon moment is at 8:56 AM PST. The Sun and Moon oppose each other; the Moon stationed at 27 degrees Leo 59 minutes, and the Sun at 27 degrees Aquarius 59 minutes. At this point in the Moon’s cycle, our emotions are heightened and we are pushed into action. With the Moon in the sign of Leo, there’s no better sign to show how WE are feeling, what we want to show the world and those around us.

Leo is a Fixed Fire Sign. It lands in the second month of Summer, and is very strong, determined and regal energy. There is a sense of authority, as Leo is the king of the jungle. The Fire element lends a drama to this sign and an unencumbered creativity. Full of fury and initiative, Leo’s energy is ardent in love, with uninhibited behavior at its best! At its worst, Leo energy can be fickle, selfish and touchy. Ruled by the Sun, the center and source of our solar system, this is the demeanor of a Leo. They are the center of their universe, and with this seat comes the entitlement of authority and kingly duties. This sign helps the individual shine bright like the Sun in everything they do. The highest use of this energy is to be a performer on life’s stage. To inspire and uplift through talents; to shine and be an example of what others can accomplish. To be generous with power and give willingly without strings attached.

With the Sun, Mercury and Saturn all in the sign of Aquarius, we have had our attention directed at the groups we belong to, friends we associate with, and others in general. We have a brief respite with this Full Moon, as our attention is refocused on ourselves. How are we performing? Are we hiding in the dark or coming out to show the world how we feel? At this time we have permission to dive deeply into our own creative talents, and show off a bit;) How often do you let yourself shine, take center stage, and feel wonderful about life? Now is the time.

The Full Moon in Leo is inconjunct Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn. This aspect calls for adjustment, and Pluto calls for psychological transformation. The Moon is the reservoir of all things emotional like habits, feelings, instincts. Here we are being asked to rethink what attachments we have to our comforts of all kinds and to let go. But, this is a stubborn moon sign, so it can get a little rough if we hold on too tight.

As the Moon is stationed alone, with most of the planets moving opposite it together in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, it is part of a Grand Fixed Cross aspect. This includes the Sun (in Aquarius), Moon (in Leo), North and South Nodes of the Moon (in Taurus and Scorpio). The challenge is set for us to look at where we may fear wh, at comes next, are uncomfortable to look in new directions, or stick with our creature comforts. The Grand Cross is like a pinwheel, and it gathers momentum when faced in the correct direction, the air takes care of that. Allow the feeling of movement to pick you up and lift you to new heights of surrendering to your highest version.

At this time Venus and Mars are conjunct each other at 16 degrees Capricorn. This is Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine, negative and positive polarities. When joined together, we have full access to our balanced self. And in the sign of Capricorn, the inspiration is there for leadership, taking the initiative, while having the followthrough in place. No judgment through balance. This is the time to set a goal for your creation, whatever it may be. Build upon the ideal, through planning and organizing. Seize this moment of equilibrium and feel empowered.

On this occasion we have the reminder that we are here as individuals to shine in our own right, and to know we have choices to make in order to shine brightly. It’s like the light at the end of the tunnel, beckoning us to see our way through the darkness and come out the other side. Freedom comes in the light, and with this Lunar occasion ruled by the Sun (Leo), we have the strength, creativity and fortitude to see it through.

Judy Crescenzo

(for a private reading with Judy, please email)


On January 31st at 9:46 PM PST the Sun and Moon align at 12 degrees 20 minutes Aquarius. This New Moon is the break we have been waiting for; bringing us a new, objective way of seeing our lives.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign. This Sun Sign rules the second month of Winter, making it the fourth fixed sign of the zodiac. (Remember, the “solar year” begins with Aries in late March). Fixed signs are constant and grounded, and this one makes a steadfast and loyal friend. Air signs lead with the intellect, are mental beings. Astrologers say Aquarius is an air sign of high humidity, meaning it is compassionate intellect. This is the sign of the teacher or professor, who has arrived at conclusions and wishes to share them with others.

The planet Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius, and as discussed before, it is the activator planet. It is such a restless energy that it provokes our rigidity and frustrated energy to shake us out of our rut. Without Uranus rattling our cage now and then we would settle into destructive and limiting patterns. The glyph for Aquarius is The Waterbearer, or waves of water. The pouring of the water from a reliable source and sharing it with others is the meaning. The water nourishes, like knowledge. It is bringing people into the fold, like a baptism. They share their philosophy willingly.

The highest use of this New Moon in Aquarius is to open your mind up to change, to the profound, and to share your ideas with those around you. This is a humanitarian sign, and a time to celebrate our uniqueness while realizing we are not here alone.

This alignment of the Sun and Moon are conjoined by Saturn at 15 degrees Aquarius. This solemn planet brings a seriousness to this lunation; it challenges us with a distrust of groups which complicates things. Here we are looking at ourselves as part of humanity and wishing to share and reach out to others. Look at where you don’t trust others, and realize if you “know” their motivations and can extend a deeper understanding of their behavior, the distrust turns into a deeper discernment and insight. We can get along with others that have different perceptions, different views if only we open our hearts. What led them to their current understanding? What has happened to them in their life? This curious sign/energy can lead you to compassion, which leads to a better way of communication.

The Sun and Moon are squared Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus. This brings about a craving for excitement, an impulsive streak that can bring sudden changes. It inspires adventure, freedom and discovery. It may be difficult to make or keep commitments,

since you won’t know how you will be feeling from one day to the next. Your domestic life can be very unstable at this time. Break old patterns, try something new!

At this time Mercury is retrograde at 24 degrees Capricorn conjunct Pluto at 26 degrees Capricorn. Mercury=Mind and Pluto=Transformation. And while in this sign, it is time to go over, once again, just what are we creating in our physical world? Is it in alignment with our new way of thinking? After the last two years, we have all changed how we see the world. Are we creating from our new world view, or staying stuck in old dreams?

With all of the planets and luminaries encouraging us to reveal our new selves, we are being motivated to drop our old forms and rebirth. The goal now is to look at reality in an elevated way; to see what changes are needed to come about in order to set up our new reality. It could be simply seeing things differently that calms the soul and releases us from judgment and limitation. We are all here together in the schoolhouse known as Planet Earth; put on those thinking caps and open up your mind to the new you!

Judy Crescenzo

email Judy for a private session!

On January 17th at 3:48 PM PST the Sun opposes the Moon. The Sun is stationed at 27 degrees Capricorn 51 minutes, while the Moon is at 27 degrees Cancer 51 minutes. These two cardinal signs are very different, and with this Full Moon, let’s look at how we can balance these energies.

The Moon rules the sign of Cancer, and this is it’s time to shine! This cardinal water sign has many facets; first of all it begins the season of Summer, while Capricorn begins Winter. Cancer is the sign of the Mother that gives birth and sustenance to their creation, whether it be human, animal, plant or otherwise. This is in its highest form. Otherwise Cancers, due to their water nature can be bossy and dictators to those around them, as they can have little patience when cornered and can come out fighting. After all, they are leaders that want to be heard. This sign can struggle with authorities, criticism and those who propose to know more than them about their very lives! You don’t want to get between a Cancer and their offspring, as they will protect those they love to the death! Capricorn, on the other hand, is an earth sign, bent on individual ambitions and success. The earth element adds a practicality to this sign, making Capricorn a builder, like Taurus, but more action initiating and ambitious. They build upon their last success, learn from their mistakes, and appreciate the material things that life can offer. They work hard for what they receive and it’s lasting rather than fleeting. This sign is ruled by Saturn; all about duty, limitation/caution, and discipline. All practical efforts are expected to bring material results.

At the time of this Full Moon, there are other planets working with these luminaries. The Sun is conjunct Pluto at 26 degrees Capricorn. This planetary combination can bring a compulsive desire for personal recognition, an infatuation with power, intense feelings and a tremendous ability for good or evil. Pluto is the destroyer of limitation, and intensifies Capricorn's already ambitious nature. And while it sits with the Sun, it opposes the Moon. You can have intense desires and feelings, and your personal relationships will feel deeply emotional, passionate, and often stormy and painful as well. There are powerful magnetic ties between yourself and those you care about, and you could become emotionally obsessed with another person. Your feelings can become so urgent and compelling that you do things that are not rational. You may undergo emotional upheavals and purging, where you must break all ties, release the past and begin anew.

Also, the Moon is trine Neptune in Pisces. This enables us to go deep into our sensitive nature, where we notice the nuances and can read between the lines when listening to others. It is very psychic energy and empowers us with a calm persistence to get to the heart of the matter. Where Pluto actively challenges us to change, Neptune showers us with a loving and peaceful understanding of others. These two water signs bless us by helping to remind us before judging others, take a walk in their shoes.

While all of these energies are driving us to open up, look at what motivates us, and make a worthwhile plan on how to get ahead; Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius at 9 degrees. It went into retrograde January 14th and will last until February 3rd. Any sluggish/lifeless patterns can be delved into with the movement of Mercury slowing down. This retrograde can assist these energies by the planets it is in relationship with at this time. Mercury is conjunct Saturn, at 13 degrees Aquarius. At this time we are serious and deep, and after thoroughly considering and studying a matter, we will offer an opinion. It gives us an aptitude for research or doing mental work that requires precise, organized thinking and attention to detail.

Mercury is square Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus retrograde. This brings us original thoughts, unique discoveries and innovations; unless you scatter your energies in too many directions at once. That could lead to impulsive or hasty decisions. We can grasp ideas very quickly and become impatient with duller or more limited thinking. A fast-moving, mentally stimulating, and unpredictable atmosphere will suit you quite well, even though you may complain about the stress and the crazy pace.

On this Full Moon we are balancing the nature of “me” and “we.” The truth is we can’t have one without the other. These two signs are yin and yang, and the Moon and the Sun opposite each other ask for compromise on some level. How do we improve the “me” part of the equation, while enhancing the “we”? We embody both principles, our brains are ruled by rationality and compassion at the same time. I think if you take a good long look at your life, you can find where these principles are being tested. Wherever you notice there’s work to be done on yourself, don’t run away, but embrace it! Becoming a better you can only make improvements in the life you share with others, and having compassion and understanding of what drives your and other’s actions can bring about peace to our world.

So at this time, where some keep trying to divide us, let us see we are all part of humanity, with very different reasons for being alive. Find your reasons, large and small, and work to upgrade and enhance your life by shining your light. You ARE a special, unique individual, no one is JUST like you! So show your abilities and gifts and share your knowledge with the world in a special way! Help society with what you have to offer; what goes around comes around;)

Judy Crescenzo

email Judy for a personal chart and reading!


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