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New Moon in Scorpio 2024

Writer's picture: Jennifer SchaeferJennifer Schaefer

On November 1st at 5:47 AM PDT the Sun and Moon align at 9 degrees Scorpio 35 minutes. Time to look at and understand what is available to us all on this occasion.

As always, the New Moon alerts us it is time to plan, to cast our wishes into the well of wisdom. These hopes and goals will manifest over time, and come to fruition when the Scorpio Moon is Full; happening May 12th, 2025. Over this period of time it will simmer like a good stew, as the season changes when hibernation is the process. To dream, to consider and create over time the goals we set now.

Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign; fixed as it is the second month of the Fall season, and fully established. This makes the Scorpio component of a personality very stubborn at times, and unwilling to budge. All fixed signs share a need for respect, and when Scorpio‘s don‘t receive it,

they disappear, as if magically. They never forget, and at times never forgive.The Water element is all about emotions, and this one is especially heavy in that department. Scorpio is a powerful sign, very mysterious and deep, and somewhat taboo. Scorpio rules desire in the old school of astrology, and with desire come all the consequences. It can be a sign of extremes when unbalanced, and great power and depth when balanced.

So just how do we work with these energies in setting up our plans? We go deep. We look into our own shadow self, the part of us that is sometimes unwilling to change. It is a time to be very honest, and requires an open mind and heart to see the truth. This sign strengthens our intuition, being of the Water element, but can tend to go dark. Blaming others and not taking responsibility for our actions; that kind of dark. Going to extremes with impatience, negative feelings, and sexual fantasies. It’s time to clean up the mess and head for the light.

On this New Moon the Sun and Moon are trine Saturn in Pisces. Saturn is the teacher through difficult lessons, and in Pisces leads us with a soft heart. It leads us to see things spiritually where your dreams of what is to be are flowing and easier to reach. You may find yourself taking on the pains or pleasures of others as their lives intertwine with your own. You will feel a practical idealism that you can manifest in the months to come.

At this time there is a Grand Water Trine between Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Neptune in Pisces. Even more sensitivity with the help of these Water signs. This creates a harmonious flow of energy between what we think, the actions we take, and the deeper consequences of our souls’ decisions. We have the opportunity to reach our goals through prayer, communion with Great Spirit, and to align ourselves with the greater good.

While all of this harmonizing energy is present, we also have a Mutable T-Square between Venus in Sagittarius, opposing Jupiter in Gemini, and both squaring Saturn in Pisces. A T-square forms tension because every planet wants to do things their own way, especially the planets in opposition. Mutable T-squares don't know WHICH way to go, so we look to the planet Saturn for answers. Saturn in Pisces tells us to stop thinking, and start feeling. The Golden Rule applies here, and with all that is going on in our country and world, it is time to consider living a sacred life. One of love, helping each other, and setting our course for success through balancing the material with the spiritual. Take a moment to meditate on these astrological musings and see how you can better your life through the choices you make now for your future!

Judy Crescenzo, skypatterns on Patreon and YouTube

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