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Full Moon in Aries 2024

Writer's picture: Jennifer SchaeferJennifer Schaefer

Updated: Oct 17, 2024

On October 17th at 4:26 AM PDT the Sun opposes the Moon at 24 degrees Libra. The Moon is stationed at 24 degrees Aries, the Cardinal Fire sign that is bold and courageous. We have an opportunity to review just what we were “seeding” at the time of the New Moon in Aries, back on April 8th of this year.

When the New Moon arrives, we seek to work with the energies of the sign it is in to lay out our plans for creation. In the sign of Aries, we are fired up to set goals for ourselves and have the mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship. Many at this time are inspired with the arrival of Spring, and find the motivation to step out of the shadows and get busy. With Mars as its rulership, standing up for yourself was a common theme at that time. Wishing to improve life by taking on more, believing you

are worthy of the challenge, was available to your psyche without fear. So just what did you hope to achieve?

Libra, the sign the Sun is in is about balance in life. It is a Cardinal Air sign, very intellectual and psychological. It is concerned with how you work with others, how you behave when you’re not alone. On the other hand, Aries, the Cardinal Fire sign is most concerned with the self. When the Moon is full, it exaggerates these energies in order to find what is working in this axis, and what is not. Are you being too self concerned, or eaving yourself behind in your caring?

With this Full Moon these luminaries are part of a Cardinal Grand Cross. In astrology, a Grand Cross is said to occur when four planets are all separated from each other by a square (90 degrees apart). A Grand Cross can also be viewed as two oppositions (180 degrees apart) separated from each other by a square. In a Grand Cross, there is one planet in each astrological element but all the planets are in signs of the same modality or quality. The planets involved are Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn; all Cardinal signs. These signs are the initiators of the zodiac, beginning seasons.

The Grand Cross is seen as a source of extreme tension whereby various aspects of the personality (represented by the planets) are working at cross purposes that serve to nullify each other. The difficulty with a Cardinal Grand Cross is it drives us to want to accomplish ALL THINGS AT ONCE. As a result, this can cause problems in retaining the concentration needed to accomplish tasks, so let’s look at the pieces of this puzzle to see how to work with these energies.

The Sun in Libra asks us to recite the adage, one for all and all for one. To balance our needs with the needs of others. Ruled by Venus, money, values and sharing knowledge are top priorities. The Full Moon in Aries seeks leadership within their individual goals, and has the strength and power to push ahead of the crowd. Mars rules this sign of action, conflict and assertiveness. The planet Mars is in the sign of Cancer and brings compassion into question with this Grand Cross. Cancer is the sign of the home and family, and is a tough defender of all that they love; people, flora and fauna, and our Earth. And Pluto in Capricorn wants transformation in your professional world and the ways you exercise power within them. No problem, right?!

The Grand Cross can be seen as a pinwheel, as it picks up energy and speed from the elements like a strong wind. Movement is paramount, so as mentioned let’s put it to work, or it will work on us like a tornado and spin our focus out of control. Begin by imagining or creating a focus on yourself seated in the middle of a circle. This is a “Medicine Wheel”, with the 4 directions set up like a compass. In this wheel imagine the Sun in Libra at where 6:00 is on a clock face. Pluto in Capricorn is at the 9:00 position. The Full Moon in Aries is at the 12:00 position. And Mars in Cancer is at the 3:00 position. Close your eyes and feel the movement surrounding you, lifting your spirit to act on this. Like picking flowers, you begin with Libra, gathering personal power to assist ALL THAT IS. Turn your gaze to Pluto and commit to transforming yourself into a warrior of change in your pursuit of becoming all you came to be in this life, picking flowers and putting them in your basket. Then look to the Full Moon in Aries for the courage and dedication to see yourself as part of the whole yet an individual with purpose. Pick the Moonflowers and put them in your basket. And lastly, look to Mars in Cancer, and promise you will open your heart and soul to caring for our planet in your highest goal to be of service. Pick the flowers to create a beautiful bouquet to remind you of your goals. See yourself holding these up to the sky, like the Statue of Liberty. Give thanks to Great Spirit for all the majesty of life and the possibilities we have before us. May we all be inspired to do the work that lies ahead to continue to make our world a better place for all life.

Thank you, Judy, for your wisdom. If you'ld like to inquire about a session, please find Judy's contact information below.

Judy Crescenzo and skypatterns on YouTube and Patreon

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