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December 2020’s New Moon Total Solar Eclipse

On December 14th at 8:16 AM PST, we have quite the solar event! The New Moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius 8 minutes joins with the Sun at the same sign and degrees, casting a complete shadow temporarily creating a Total Solar Eclipse. It can be viewed best in Chili and Argentina; and seen in South America, South West Africa, and Antarctica.

This amplifies the energy of the New Moon, bringing more drama and possibly unsettling or disruptive energies. It exaggerates the energy to be used, and it is up to each of us how we deal with it. The planets and luminaries involved in this event are in the element of FIRE, bringing action and a masculine/positively charged energy. No time to sit around and consider, time for achievement and accomplishment.

Sagittarius is a MUTABLE sign, one at the end of the season, making it’s dynamic energy flexible and adaptable. It lends a creative power for us to use to uplift our existence. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the higher teacher of our solar system, that expands and enlightens. It shows us the way out of our old patterns through a new lens. We see the possibilities, we’ve been through the teardown phase and are rethinking our futures.

Traveling with the Sun and Moon is Mercury, the messenger, at 20 degrees Sagittarius 6 minutes. Our mind is open to the powerful challenge we are given here, with all we have been exposed to and learned from this past year. The challenge can come in new information being released, and how it may turn our beliefs and worldview upside down. Remember the flexibility provided us with this team of energies working together to open our most sensitive and vulnerable selves. We are being made aware of more now than ever before.

Add to this the planet Mars at 20 degrees Aries 43 minutes. It TRINES the Sun and Moon and adds more fireworks to this Total Eclipse. Mars is at home in the sign of Aries, and takes our attention from the collective to ourselves. How are we individually going to end 2020; with fear or optimism? We are at the crossroads; which way will we go?

For this stellar event it is important to join in and be fearless. The time of “instant karma” is here, so be careful what you ask for. We all as individuals can repurpose our lives to have more meaning, more creativity, more freedom if only we commit to the goal. The old rhetoric in our inner dialogue that keeps us from truly manifesting our chosen existence must stop. We must retrain ourselves to be looking at our lives in the positive framework. We still have choices to make daily. Are they for our highest good? Or are we surrendering to our old programming which keeps us stuck?

There’s no better time than the present to redirect our passion and power into projects that take us from here to there. Step out of low expectations and climb the ladder to your highest expression. Use the FIRE element to burn away the limiting beliefs and get ready for the Winter Solstice on Monday December 21, 2020. As the days get shorter, and the nights get longer, we are moving into the Dreamtime of Winter. Bears hibernate as do other animals, signaling the time to go inward to dream our next existence.

Everything around us is working to bring about change, so pay attention, and do what you know is best for you and your family. It’s all about LOVE after all.

Judy Crescenzo

Email for a private session/astrology reading

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